ericpaulbishop / gargoyle

Gargoyle Router Management Utility
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New feature suggestion: Wiki Help Links #669

Open d3fz opened 6 years ago

d3fz commented 6 years ago


New/existing users can get a little confused when it comes to getting that awesome feature working the way they want to (or working at all). Currently, the only way users seek for help is through the forums (apparently not everyone even realize there's a documentation available), which can take some time to get a response and, more often than not, asking questions that have been answered before, over and over again.


I've been thinking in a better way to help users, directly through the UI. The idea is to add a link on specific features/sections (e.g. OpenVPN, QoS, other complicated ones), which basically will open a new window/tab that redirects users to the respective online wiki tutorial. That would save time (both users and admins) and point users in the right direction right away. If the user still has any questions, then they can always open a new thread on the forums.


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The idea was briefly discussed on the forums (with @lantis1008 and @ispyisail), and a viable approach would be doing something similar to i18n, where:

Example, using strings.js (currently read by all pages): UI.HelpBridgeRepeater=""; UI.HelpMsg="Need help with this ?";

<a href='<%~ HelpBridgeRepeater %>'><%~ HelpMsg %></a>

Or even redirect straight to a specific section: <a href='<%~ HelpQoS %>#active_congestion_controller_acc'><%~ HelpMsg %></a>

@lantis1008 came up with this syntax: <span class="ext_help"><a href="<%~ external_help.ggweb %><%~ external_help.hlpBrdgcfg %>"><%~ external_help.HelpText %></a></span>

Thoughts ?

lantis1008 commented 6 years ago

My only comment is that my syntax is quite long. If we are concerned about bloating the SH files I can look at shrinking it. Also looking at options to turn off the help text for people who don’t want/need it. And of course, themes can hide them as well.

obsy commented 6 years ago

Not "need help with this", just question mark...

lantis1008 commented 6 years ago

^ that would make the syntax much shorter on its own.

ispyisail commented 6 years ago

Netgear use "? Help"


d3fz commented 6 years ago

Yes, I purposely used a very explicit message in this example, just to show what kind of action the user would look for/expect when clicking on the link. The message can always be shortened, which would go inline with the "More Info" links, found on multiple pages.

I understand that using only a question mark character would clutter less, my only concern is that if it simply goes unnoticed to the user, unless it's done in a way that draws more attention to it. GitHub's approach looks nice and simple, using icon + tooltip when hovered:

laivjgc - imgur

Also, if the syntax length is a problem, why don't just add new lines to strings.js and pull from there ? Plus the advantage of not needing to create an additional file, as all missing strings (on another language) would fallback to the default strings.js (EN).


UI.HlpTxt="Need help?";

Where would wrap up like this:

<span class="help">
    <a href="<%~ GWeb %><%~ HlpQoS %>"><%~ HlpTxt %></a>


lantis1008 commented 6 years ago

I’ve already done something similar, but it still adds lots of characters to the SH files which won’t be compressed. I just remembered that the language JS aren’t compressed either

lantis1008 commented 6 years ago

Gargoyle already has code to generate pop up text exactly like that GitHub example :)

ispyisail commented 6 years ago

The other suggestion is my netgear router just brings up a text box

2017-10-21 21_37_39-netgear prosafe - router status



I'm not sure its a better idea but I'm just putting it out there