ericpaulbishop / gargoyle

Gargoyle Router Management Utility
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IPv4 address not displayed in GUI after boot on PPoE connection #925

Closed mickeyreg closed 3 years ago

mickeyreg commented 3 years ago

Gargoyle 1.13pre9 from, tested on 1043ND and on Archer C7.

I've done the following things:

But: Before I've restarted the network, I've checked connection - both the router and my machine were connected to the Internet. OpenVPN clients were connected. The ifconfig command displayed a valid IPv4 address.

So my conclusion is as follows: It looks like everything was working fine, only the Gargoyle interface did not show the IPv4 address assigned via PPPoE.

lantis1008 commented 3 years ago

Can you please reproduce the issue (get it back to where the address is missing) and provide the following output:

ubus call network.interface dump
gargoyle_header_footer -i


lantis1008 commented 3 years ago

Please also provide the same output after running the network restart.

mickeyreg commented 3 years ago

When I wanted to reproduce problem I made power cycle 3 times, and only after the third attempt problem appeard again :/

In the archive:

lantis1008 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for that. It quite clearly shows the problem. How it has actually happened though I am not entirely sure. I'll try to look into this.

lantis1008 commented 3 years ago

I have not been able to reproduce this issue unfortunately. If i had to guess, it is possibly a memory re-use or pointer type error.

If anyone has the ability to provide further insight or test cases that produce the issue 100% of the time, i'd be happy to try again.

mickeyreg commented 3 years ago

As I wrote before, the problem is also not 100% reproducible in my case :( But when I saw, that it is only problem with data displayed I'm ignoring it ;)

I'm writing now, because last time I found probably the same problem but in a little different situation. My English is rather poor, but I'll try to describe:

I wanted to make "a duplicate" of my main router. So I made a backup and restored it on the second device. But I made it in the following steps:

After this operation, my new router had:

After all I entered the web interface of the new router to check settings. I saw that WAN address is configured ... it was IP assigned by DHCP, from time when the router had default Gargoyle configuration. I don't know how this information could be generated: the device was rebooted, after reboot it should not contact with DHCP server, so it was from ... ??

obsy commented 3 years ago


Next problem: see wan ip format:

alt text

More details:

lantis1008 commented 3 years ago

I will patch something that will fix another issue (which will hide this one), but doesn't fix the real problem. Can i get the output of cat /proc/net/route from the user please?

lantis1008 commented 3 years ago

I have a feeling that will help this issue. Can you please check again @mickeyreg

mickeyreg commented 3 years ago

Check... How...

OK. I cloned gargoyle repo to my VM with Ubuntu and ran: make ath79 FULL_BUILD=true and then I copied gargoyle_header_footer file to my router. Should it be enough?

With old file I had: old_ghf

And withe the new one: new_ghf

I'm not sure what should be in WAN MAC Address filed on PPPoE connection.

lantis1008 commented 3 years ago

No logic should have changed with the MAC address check, so it's surprising that it has disappeared. Have you tried rebooting? Can you provide these again?

ubus call network.interface dump
gargoyle_header_footer -i
mickeyreg commented 3 years ago
root@gate:~# uptime
 20:03:38 up 50 days, 20:28,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

There is no MAC, so maybe all zeros is ok for PPPoE?

root@gate:~# ifconfig
pppoe-wan Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::9d21:c18d:a112:ea8/10 Scope:Link
          RX packets:71834221 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:73260696 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
          RX bytes:20580204817 (19.1 GiB)  TX bytes:16816301975 (15.6 GiB)

I don't remember MAC info in 1.9.2 :(

The rest is in attached file. info.txt

lantis1008 commented 3 years ago

I'll look into this. The mac address should be valid so something has gone awry.

lantis1008 commented 3 years ago

This issue should be fixed. If you can confirm and then close it that would be great thanks :)

mickeyreg commented 3 years ago

Works. Thanks. :)