ericpaulbishop / gargoyle

Gargoyle Router Management Utility
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[1.13/1.15] Error adding ftp users with the same permission #976

Closed obsy closed 1 year ago

obsy commented 1 year ago

Very old bug, exists in 1.13 and 1.15, and probably earlier.

vsftpd config:

root@Gargoyle:/# cat /etc/config/vsftpd 

config share 'share_1'
    option name 'share_1'
    option share_dir '/tmp/usb_mount/9df0e1ab-02/tmp/a1'
    list users_rw 'anonymous'
    list users_ro 'aaa'

config vsftpd 'global'
    option anonymous 'yes'
    option anonymous_write 'yes'
    option pasv_min_port '50990'
    option pasv_max_port '50999'

Back to usb storage, edit Currently Shared Disks, Remove aaa user and add again but with read/write. Click close and apply changes, click save changes.

vsftpd config:

root@Gargoyle:/# cat /etc/config/vsftpd 

config share 'share_1'
    option name 'share_1'
    option share_dir '/tmp/usb_mount/9df0e1ab-02/tmp/a1'
    list users_rw 'anonymous'

config vsftpd 'global'
    option anonymous 'yes'
    option anonymous_write 'yes'
    option pasv_min_port '50990'
    option pasv_max_port '50999'

Missing list users_rw 'aaa' in config. If anonymous user selected with rw permission, then it is impossible to add new user with the same (r/w) permission.

lantis1008 commented 1 year ago

I was trying to replicate this on 1.15, and i can see the same config behaviour, but I can't actually establish an FTP connection to the server. Were you able to at least login?

obsy commented 1 year ago

Yes, ftp itself works fine. I checked on a virtual machine.

lantis1008 commented 1 year ago

Ok maybe a windows issue. Will test from another system

lantis1008 commented 1 year ago

Issue appears to be with vsftpd 3.0.3 and x64 systems. I found a workaround. Now building 3.0.5 as i believe it has been fixed there. Then I will look at this issue :)