After setting up ExcelPython with the "Setup ExcelPython" button I am getting the following error:
I think the syntax should be something like that (twisting "PtrSafe" and "Function"):
If VBA7 Then
#If Win64 Then
Const XLPyDLLName As String = "xlpython64-2.0.6.dll"
Declare PtrSafe Function XLPyDLLActivate Lib "xlpython64-2.0.6.dll" (ByRef result As Variant, Optional ByVal config As String = "") As Long
Declare PtrSafe Function XLPyDLLNDims Lib "xlpython64-2.0.6.dll" (ByRef src As Variant, ByRef dims As Long, ByRef transpose As Boolean, ByRef dest As Variant) As Long
I am using Excel 2013 64 bit.
After setting up ExcelPython with the "Setup ExcelPython" button I am getting the following error:
I think the syntax should be something like that (twisting "PtrSafe" and "Function"):
If VBA7 Then
That was working for me...
Best regards, Roland