ericsink / SQLitePCL.raw

A Portable Class Library (PCL) for low-level (raw) access to SQLite
Apache License 2.0
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2.0.5 release #392

Closed ericsink closed 2 years ago

ericsink commented 3 years ago

2.0.5 has been pushed to nuget with the following highlights:

Update e_sqlcipher builds #390 Update e_sqlite3 builds #381 Native builds for Apple Silicon #375 sqlite3_keyword functions #385 Use DllImport more and dynamic provider less #419 #389 Mark the utf8z overload of prepare_v2/v3 obsolete #321 Perf improvements #401 #402 #403 #399 New overload for create_collation #378 Support for s390 #427

Thanks to all the contributors who helped make this release better, and my apologies for the long delay in getting it out.

ericsink commented 3 years ago

Need to figure out what to do with #389 (.NET framework dll resolution)

And #378 (create_collation overload for Span)

ericsink commented 3 years ago

A pre-release of 2.0.5 has been pushed up to nuget:

tranb3r commented 3 years ago

I'm having this error when upgrading from 2.0.4 to 2.0.5-pre20201231105030, on Android, with sqlcipher.

  SQLite.SQLiteException: not an error
  at SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () [0x000cd] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Execute (System.String query, System.Object[] args) [0x00039] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.SetKey (System.String key) [0x00026] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at SQLite.SQLiteConnection..ctor (SQLite.SQLiteConnectionString connectionString) [0x00126] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at SQLite.SQLiteConnectionWithLock..ctor (SQLite.SQLiteConnectionString connectionString) [0x0000b] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at SQLite.SQLiteConnectionPool+Entry..ctor (SQLite.SQLiteConnectionString connectionString) [0x0001f] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at SQLite.SQLiteConnectionPool.GetConnectionAndTransactionLock (SQLite.SQLiteConnectionString connectionString, System.Object& transactionLock) [0x00028] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at SQLite.SQLiteConnectionPool.GetConnection (SQLite.SQLiteConnectionString connectionString) [0x00000] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at SQLite.SQLiteAsyncConnection.GetConnection () [0x00005] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at SQLite.SQLiteAsyncConnection+<>c__DisplayClass33_0`1[T].<WriteAsync>b__0 () [0x00000] in <a9edccd8a27f41fdaae16acd8ec0ca8e>:0 
  at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult].InnerInvoke () [0x0000f] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/archive-mono/2020-02/android/release/external/corert/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/Tasks/Future.cs:534 
  at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute () [0x00000] in /Users/builder/jenkins/workspace/archive-mono/2020-02/android/release/external/corert/src/System.Private.CoreLib/src/System/Threading/Tasks/Task.cs:2319 

Any idea what's happening ?

ericsink commented 3 years ago

I want to include #383 (.NET 6 stuff) in 2.0.5. But I'm tempted to wait until the next .NET 6 preview and update for that.

ericsink commented 3 years ago

362 (a test case for date and time stuff) and #364 (better error messages when dll not found) have been merged

ericsink commented 3 years ago

Hoping to include #333 (snapshot API), subject to questions about whether this causes trouble on UWP and winsqlite3.

ericsink commented 2 years ago

I hereby declare my intention to finally get a 2.0.5 release out the door by the end of August. :-)

bddckr commented 2 years ago

Looks like #383 didn't make it (everything else did, though 🎉). Is there a need for opening an issue for it, or is the existence of the unmerged PR enough to track support for .NET 6?

ericsink commented 2 years ago

No need for another issue. I'm still working on various net6.0 things.