In a lot of laser files we have straight line elements which include useless points we can reduce. The built-in "simplify" function of Inkscape cannot be used for this case, because it would simplify the whole path, which might include curved parts too, which we don't want to destroy. They key function will be an algorithm which checks elements of a path which are from type line and which previous or next neighbour is line too and which as the same slope value
In a lot of laser files we have straight line elements which include useless points we can reduce. The built-in "simplify" function of Inkscape cannot be used for this case, because it would simplify the whole path, which might include curved parts too, which we don't want to destroy. They key function will be an algorithm which checks elements of a path which are from type line and which previous or next neighbour is line too and which as the same slope value
Some example: