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astrid: fix stage integration cached fork choice logic #11870

Closed taratorio closed 1 week ago

taratorio commented 1 week ago

Next chain tip error caught and fixed for astrid stage integration:

append with gap blockNum=11561329, but current height=11561327

happens after unwind due to a fork change in the corresponding fork choice update.

This is due to a bug in the logic of handling fork choice updates in the stage integration. The issue is that when processing the cachedForkChoice after we have done the unwind, fixCanonicalChain returns empty newNodes (correctly, since the chain was fixed before we cached the fork choice). The solution is to cache the new nodes as the cachedForkChoice so that when we process the cached fork choice in the next iteration we can correctly update the tx nums for the new nodes.

Full logs:

INFO[09-04|16:14:31.018] [2/6 PolygonSync] update fork choice     block=11561328 age=0 hash=0x41ebb5e01406c1f013f06ee4e53ab68b125f071717d50bcdcfa4597a0a052cfe
INFO[09-04|16:14:31.019] [2/6 PolygonSync] new fork - unwinding and caching fork choice 
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.021] UnwindTo                                 block=11561327 block_hash=0xc8ba20e1e4dc312bda4aadc5108722205693783b1c2d6103cb70949bda58a460 err=nil stack="[sync.go:171 stage_polygon_sync.go:1391 stage_polygon_sync.go:1356 stage_polygon_sync.go:1478 stage_polygon_sync.go:501 stage_polygon_sync.go:175 default_stages.go:479 sync.go:531 sync.go:410 stageloop.go:249 stageloop.go:101 asm_arm64.s:1222]"
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.021] [2/6 PolygonSync] DONE                   in=5.45216175s
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.021] [1/6 OtterSync] DONE                     in=21.167µs
INFO[09-04|16:14:31.021] [2/6 PolygonSync] forward                progress=11561327
INFO[09-04|16:14:31.021] [2/6 PolygonSync] new fork - processing cached fork choice after unwind 
INFO[09-04|16:14:31.022] [2/6 PolygonSync] update fork choice     block=11561328 age=0 hash=0x41ebb5e01406c1f013f06ee4e53ab68b125f071717d50bcdcfa4597a0a052cfe
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.022] [2/6 PolygonSync] DONE                   in=186.792µs
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.022] [3/6 Senders] DONE                       in=236.458µs
INFO[09-04|16:14:31.024] [4/6 Execution] Done Commit every block  blk=11561327 blks=1 blk/s=1125.7 txs=2 tx/s=2.25k gas/s=0 buf=0B/512.0MB stepsInDB=0.00 step=24.3 alloc=600.4MB sys=1.7GB
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.024] [4/6 Execution] DONE                     in=2.020375ms
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.024] [5/6 TxLookup] DONE                      in=74.292µs
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.024] [6/6 Finish] DONE                        in=2.958µs
INFO[09-04|16:14:31.024] Timings (slower than 50ms)               PolygonSync=5.452s alloc=600.5MB sys=1.7GB
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.025] [6/6 Finish] Prune done                  in=5.625µs
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.025] [5/6 TxLookup] Prune done                in=237.084µs
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.025] [4/6 Execution] Prune done               in=65.958µs
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.025] [3/6 Senders] Prune done                 in=2.75µs
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.025] [2/6 PolygonSync] Prune done             in=2.25µs
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.025] [snapshots] Prune Blocks                 to=11559976 limit=10
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.026] [snapshots] Prune Bor Blocks             to=11559976 limit=10
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.026] [1/6 OtterSync] Prune done               in=1.334833ms
DBUG[09-04|16:14:31.154] [1/6 OtterSync] DONE                     in=6.792µs
INFO[09-04|16:14:31.154] [2/6 PolygonSync] forward                progress=11561327
DBUG[09-04|16:14:33.030] [bridge] processing new blocks           from=11561329 to=11561329 lastProcessedBlockNum=11561328 lastProcessedBlockTime=1725462871 lastProcessedEventID=2688
DBUG[09-04|16:14:33.030] [sync] inserted blocks                   len=1 duration=1.184125ms
DBUG[09-04|16:14:33.030] [bor.heimdall] synchronizing spans...    blockNum=11561329
DBUG[09-04|16:14:33.031] [bridge] synchronizing events...         blockNum=11561329 lastProcessedBlockNum=11561328
INFO[09-04|16:14:33.031] [2/6 PolygonSync] update fork choice     block=11561329 age=0 hash=0x298f72d6fbbfdc8d3df098828867dea7e8e7bba787c1eb17f6c6025afa9ac3d1
WARN[09-04|16:14:33.032] [bor.heimdall] an error while fetching   path=bor/latest-span queryParams= attempt=1 err="Get \"\": context canceled"
DBUG[09-04|16:14:33.032] [bor.heimdall] request canceled          reason="context canceled" path=bor/latest-span queryParams= attempt=1
EROR[09-04|16:14:36.032] [2/6 PolygonSync] stopping node          err="append with gap blockNum=11561329, but current height=11561327, stack: [txnum.go:149 accessors_chain.go:703 stage_polygon_sync.go:1398 stage_polygon_sync.go:1356 stage_polygon_sync.go:1478 stage_polygon_sync.go:501 stage_polygon_sync.go:175 default_stages.go:479 sync.go:531 sync.go:410 stageloop.go:249 stageloop.go:101 asm_arm64.s:1222]"
DBUG[09-04|16:14:36.032] Error while executing stage              err="[2/6 PolygonSync] stopped: append with gap blockNum=11561329, but current height=11561327, stack: [txnum.go:149 accessors_chain.go:703 stage_polygon_sync.go:1398 stage_polygon_sync.go:1356 stage_polygon_sync.go:1478 stage_polygon_sync.go:501 stage_polygon_sync.go:175 default_stages.go:479 sync.go:531 sync.go:410 stageloop.go:249 stageloop.go:101 asm_arm64.s:1222]"
DBUG[09-04|16:14:36.033] rpcdaemon: the subscription to pending blocks channel was closed