Open mb-gvidon opened 2 years ago
Seems like node started executing PoS blocks
erigon_1 | [INFO] [09-18|18:00:58.502] [7/16 Execution] Executed blocks number=15548996 blk/s=4.2 tx/s=818.4 Mgas/s=63.8 gasState=0.32 estimated duration=2h25m34.696s batch=355.2MB alloc=7.4GB sys=9.3GB
This comment helped
But the process is quite slow (63.8 Mgas/s). Is it okay?
However, the downloader still throws the error
I have the same problem, it is as if erigon does not take the parameter correctly.
Docker compose commands:
- erigon
- --chain=mainnet
#- --datadir=/erigon
- --http
- --http.addr=
- --http.port=8545
- --http.vhosts=*
- --http.corsdomain=*
- --http.api=eth,net,web3,engine,admin,erigon,debug,trace,txpool
- --private.api.addr=
- --authrpc.jwtsecret=/jwt.hex
- --authrpc.addr=
- --authrpc.port=8551
- --authrpc.vhosts=*
- --metrics
- --metrics.addr=
- --metrics.port=6060
- --ws
- --nat=any
response in VM:
root@erigon:~# curl -X POST http://localhost:8551/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":1}'
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
root@erigon:~# curl -X POST http://localhost:8545/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
Looking quickly this looks like a port mapping issue - --downloader.api.addr=
this address is used for the downloader, however the ports specified on the downloader container do not include 9093, therefore my idea is that is closed, hence seeing the connection reset by peer.
@revitteth What was the resolution? As of yesterday the erigon-downloader still doesn't have 9093 open.
Actually even though the port isn't explicitly opened, or appear open from within docker-exec - after I resolved other issues the downloader worked just fine.
System information
OS & Version: Ubuntu
Commit hash : 9fb8a190bc4bb436afd3dcf52b3b94baef462743 Latest at the moment of writing the issue
I found out that containers are working with errors. What is this? Can the errors slow erigon node?
Actual behaviour
There are some warnings from rpcdaemon too
Steps to reproduce the behaviour
There is my docker-compose file