erik-krogh / SudoSlider

The most versatile jQuery content slider
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3.1.7 is causing trouble with with mototols #5

Closed danyj closed 10 years ago

danyj commented 10 years ago

Sorry I sent you 2 emails before I saw git link. ( post the git link on homepage :))

if you have jq and mootols + sudo everything is fine until you set numeric true here is demo than moo is freaking out Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function I narrowed it down to line 593 which is shorthand loop

if (option[18]/numeric/) for (var control in numericControls) setCurrentElement(numericControls[control], i);

if changed to

           if (option[18]/*numeric*/){
            for (var control = 0; control < numericControls.length; ++control) {
                    var element = numericControls[control];
                    setCurrentElement(element, i)

the problem is fixed so it seems like something else is in that array that is being picked up.

P.S please change li rel to some data attr , html5 is not validating , I changed it to data-navs for now.

Thank you!

webbiesdk commented 10 years ago

I'm having a hard time seeing why your change fixed the problem. numericControls is just an array, so the change you made should make no difference (that i know of),

Well, 3.2 is comming soon, and i was changing the "rel" to "data-target" anyway ("rel" still works for backwards compability). And i'm also going to include your fix in 3.2.

danyj commented 10 years ago

Great to know , and this is why there is trouble, seems like in Mootools somewhere they used = 1; which is than visible in every array

update: Confirmed , var slice = Array.prototype.slice; line 125 in mootools is causing trouble ( uncompressed moo ) is than used on line 218 ,, 1) this than becomes part of your array

webbiesdk commented 10 years ago

3.2 is out. And your fix is included.

danyj commented 10 years ago

Thank you!