erik-nelson / blam

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matching the tf frames to the husky frames #41

Open MohamedEhabHafez opened 5 years ago

MohamedEhabHafez commented 5 years ago

I am using a veldoyne VLP-16 attached to a husky and it is simulated in gazebo when I launch the blam mapping, I have the map but not rotates correctly with the robot because there is something with the tf frames between the BLAM and the husky. Anyone can offer a help with setting these frames correctly to match each others?? Any help will be so appreciated.

DangMinh24 commented 5 years ago

Hi, having the same problem at first time. Try running rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree to see the odom name. Then go to base_frames.yaml and fix the odometry parameter (ex: odometry: odom).

k-mohit commented 5 years ago

Hi @DangMinh24 similarly I can't get a live sensor visualization with my Ouster LiDAR... could you help me somehow? Thanks

DangMinh24 commented 5 years ago

Hi @mohit-khosti, probably you may want to create a new post for this problem. Anyway, can you check whether there is a tf between LIDAR and odometry.

k-mohit commented 5 years ago

Hi @DangMinh24 I did create a post unfortunately no help there and I have tried rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree and I get "no tf data found" someone suggested I use static_transform_broadcaster of tf2_ros to broadcast this "base_link -> os1_sensor" transform but I am not sure how to do it since I am a rookie ROS user Any help would be appreciated!