also, I used "blam_example/rviz/lidar_slam.rviz". my problem is, it just shows the map of first scan it received and does not create incremental map. Also, I checked the tf tree and expected to be something like: base -> odometry -> world/map ,which is not. the tf tree has been attached.
I would appreciate it if you could help me solve my problem.
I am trying to launch "roslaunch blam_example test_online.launch" with my own bag file which you can download it from here:
also, I used "blam_example/rviz/lidar_slam.rviz". my problem is, it just shows the map of first scan it received and does not create incremental map. Also, I checked the tf tree and expected to be something like: base -> odometry -> world/map ,which is not. the tf tree has been attached.
I would appreciate it if you could help me solve my problem.
thank you