erik-nelson / blam

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Where are these parameters ?thanks #7

Open tpengti opened 8 years ago

tpengti commented 8 years ago

Hey, nelson! I dont have found these parameter? if (!pu::Get("init/position_sigma/x", sigma_x)) return false; if (!pu::Get("init/position_sigma/y", sigma_y)) return false; if (!pu::Get("init/position_sigma/z", sigma_z)) return false; if (!pu::Get("init/orientation_sigma/roll", sigma_roll)) return false; if (!pu::Get("init/orientation_sigma/pitch", sigma_pitch)) return false; if (!pu::Get("init/orientation_sigma/yaw", sigma_yaw)) return false; I didn't find these parameters in "config file" Thank you very much!

erik-nelson commented 8 years ago

You will need to run the software with either roslaunch blam_example test_online.launch or roslaunch blam_example test_offline.launch.

The noted parameters are here and here, inside of those two launch files.

The online launch file runs the code in real-time, assuming your processor is powerful enough to stream and process LiDAR scans at 10 Hz (the default). Otherwise, you may use the offline launch file to play back a ROS bag file as fast as your computer can handle, or at any desired rate.

tpengti commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your reply;

tpengti commented 8 years ago

译文 Hello, ask a question about your use gtsam version?

erik-nelson commented 8 years ago

I will probably have to freeze in a GTSAM tag pretty soon, but for now use the latest version of the develop branch from

tpengti commented 8 years ago

Thanks ! 1:" Pose3 new_odometry = ToGtsam(delta); NonlinearFactorGraph new_factor; Values new_value; new_factor.add(MakeBetweenFactor(new_odometry, ToGtsam(covariance)));" 2:"Pose3 newodometry = ToGtsam(delta); odometry = odometry_.compose(newodometry); if (odometry.translation().norm() < translationthreshold) { return false; }"

Why do different code?Which is part of the code you use