erikalu / class-agnostic-counting

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Model not Training #1

Open agentcap opened 5 years ago

agentcap commented 5 years ago

When I trained the network with the default parameter setting, the loss is getting saturated just after 2-3 epochs. And also the results are coming out to be random. Is there something I am missing or need to change?


erikalu commented 5 years ago

Have you tried lowering the initial learning rate? e.g. to 1e-4

agentcap commented 5 years ago

I tried training the network with learning rate 1e-5, and the loss is ~0.234 a bit better than before.

And this is the inference code that I have used. Is this correct?

` def test_gmn():

# ==> gpu configuration

# ==> set up model path and log path.
model_path, log_path = ut.set_path(args)

# ==> import library
import keras
import data_loader
import model_factory
import data_generator

# ==> get dataset information
trn_config = data_loader.get_config(args)

params = {'cg': trn_config,
          'processes': 12,
          'batch_size': args.batch_size

trn_gen, val_gen = data_generator.setup_generator(**params)

# ==> load networks
gmn = model_factory.two_stream_matching_networks(trn_config, sync=False, adapt=False)
model = model_factory.two_stream_matching_networks(trn_config, sync=False, adapt=True)

# ==> attempt to load pre-trained GMN
if args.gmn_path:
    if os.path.isfile(args.gmn_path):
        gmn.load_weights(os.path.join(args.gmn_path), by_name=True)
        print('==> successfully loading the model: {}'.format(args.gmn_path))
        print("==> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(args.gmn_path))

# ==> print model summary

inp_img = ut.load_data('data/image.jpg',dims=(255,255,3),pad=0)
ex_patch = ut.load_data('data/patch.jpg',dims=(63,63,3),pad=0)

inp_img = np.expand_dims(inp_img, axis=0)
ex_patch = np.expand_dims(ex_patch, axis=0)
inp_img = data_generator.preprocess_input(np.array(inp_img, dtype='float32'))
ex_patch = data_generator.preprocess_input(np.array(ex_patch, dtype='float32'))

inputs = {'image_patch': ex_patch, 'image': inp_img}

outputs = model.predict(inputs,batch_size=1)
outputs = np.squeeze(outputs,axis=0)
outputs = np.squeeze(outputs,axis=2)

im = Image.fromarray(outputs,'L')'data/out.jpg')

test_gmn() `

akshitac8 commented 5 years ago

any update for the testing code?

erikalu commented 5 years ago

@agentcap Your code is missing a line to load the trained weights into the model before predicting, e.g. model.load_weights(args.model_path, by_name=True)

Otherwise, it looks good to me.

akshitac8 commented 5 years ago

@agentcap How did you extracted the ex_patch from the testing image as we don't have the ground truth(dot annotations) for the testing image?

erikalu commented 5 years ago

@akshitac8 You should use an exemplar patch (or multiple) from the training set.

akshitac8 commented 5 years ago

Thank you @erikalu for the details. @agentcap were you able reproduce the MAE on CARPK Dataset?

agentcap commented 5 years ago

@agentcap Your code is missing a line to load the trained weights into the model before predicting, e.g. model.load_weights(args.model_path, by_name=True)

Otherwise, it looks good to me.

Hi @erikalu , in the above code snippet, there is a section under the title "attempt to load pre-trained GMN" in which we are loading the trained model. And I am passing the path to the trained model via the gmn_path argument. Can you share the trained model so that I can try to find my mistake.

Thank you @erikalu for the details. @agentcap were you able reproduce the MAE on CARPK Dataset?

Hi @akshitac8 I was not able to reproduce the results.

erikalu commented 5 years ago

Hi @erikalu , in the above code snippet, there is a section under the title "attempt to load pre-trained GMN" in which we are loading the trained model. And I am passing the path to the trained model via the gmn_path argument. Can you share the trained model so that I can try to find my mistake.

Hi @agentcap, I've updated the README with the link to the pretrained weights. There is still an issue with your code, since the code snippet you mention loads the weights into the gmn object, but you are using the model object to predict. So just replace model with gmn in the prediction line.

tuongtranngoc commented 5 years ago

@erikalu and @agentcap, i used pretrained model and def test_gmn() but result is very bad. i test on Unmanned aircraft image. you tell me why not>> Thanks

erikalu commented 5 years ago

@NgTuong Here are some common issues/debugging tips:

tuongtranngoc commented 5 years ago

@erikalu thank you so much

Anislar commented 4 years ago

somme one can help me please ?

jaideep11061982 commented 1 year ago

@erikalu can this be useful to count the occluded objects with multiple kinds. Say in retail shops cart I dont know how we can provide a patch image to count in such case