erikflowers / weather-icons

215 Weather Themed Icons and CSS
6.89k stars 849 forks source link

Project no longer maintained #192

Open erikflowers opened 7 years ago

erikflowers commented 7 years ago

Sad to say, Weather Icons is no longer maintained or updated here. the project is currently looking for a new owner who wants to bear the responsibility. Feel free to let me know.

Perhaps someone wants to be an official fork, or just rolled into another project. I will be seeking out some parties who might be a good fit to maintain it. Feel free to suggest below.

alex-koepke commented 7 years ago


josezulu commented 7 years ago

Sad indeed, thank you for all the work Erik!

Wally93 commented 7 years ago

Weather Icons is a great project, it surprising that nobody is stepping up to claim it! I will be glad to help support and maintain the project within my capabilities. I built my first front-end project [ Weather app] using Weather Icons. please feel free to check it out:

erikflowers commented 7 years ago

One think people have to remember is the art. There are about a few dozen requests for new icons that need smart, clear, iconic art. Maintaining the code and build isn't the hard part, it's drawing icons that rock. Maybe I can still do that I'd someone can make a bog-standard build that mimics Font Awesome??

On April 14, 2017 at 8:59:24 AM, SmashedBird ( wrote:

I'm Interested in taking care of the project, There is some issues on the front end that needs to be taken care of. This is a great project ; I would be glad to help. I'm based in Austin,TX. You can reach me at

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erikflowers commented 7 years ago

Lukas did the first 60 or so, basically the cloud shapes. Everything after that I did, so all the stuff that isn’t cloud shapes would be my style, which is a copy of his style, which someone else would copy.

I am happy to talk more over a realtime chat tool like Hangouts.

On April 14, 2017 at 9:10:57 AM, SmashedBird ( wrote:

I have a UX / Front-End background and work with some talented designers from Dell and The Home Depot. They would be able to mimic the current style of Lukas Bischoff and Font-Awesome. This is truly a great project and no need to mention the great portfolio opportunity.


On Apr 14, 2017, at 11:03 AM, Erik Flowers wrote:

One think people have to remember is the art. There are about a few dozen requests for new icons that need smart, clear, iconic art. Maintaining the code and build isn't the hard part, it's drawing icons that rock. Maybe I can still do that I'd someone can make a bog-standard build that mimics Font Awesome??

On April 14, 2017 at 8:59:24 AM, SmashedBird ( wrote:

I'm Interested in taking care of the project, There is some issues on the front end that needs to be taken care of. This is a great project ; I would be glad to help. I'm based in Austin,TX. You can reach me at

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erikflowers commented 7 years ago

There have been quite a few responses. One thing I should add is that part of maintaining the project is drawing the icons, which requires a lot of artistic ability, the ability to find strong metaphors with weird abstract requests people have, and also build the font itself (the OTF file) with the artwork as requests come in.

I am talking to a few people about it. If you still want to do both the code part, as well as the artwork, perhaps one can fork the project and experiment and take some of the open issues for artwork requests and see how the icons look. That is truly the hard part - the icon metaphors and style. Once a build is improved, that can sort of be on autopilot. It's the constant requests for new art that kills me.

ccharlton commented 7 years ago

Cool. Is there a Wiki page that lists the icons needed or some proposed icon roadmap?

Also, has there been any thought to contacting FontAwesome to see if they'd absorb this project's icons?

MethodGrab commented 7 years ago

I'd be happy to help out with the dev / admin side (frontend, build, triaging issues, reviewing PRs etc.).

alexvickers commented 7 years ago

Hello! I'm a graphic and webdesigner based in Brazil and I do some ocasional front-end developing. I've designed icons for many projects that I've worked on over the last couple of years. Feel free to send me an e-mail anytime:


Weathercloud commented 7 years ago

Dear Erik,

We get in touch because we are interested in continuing the Weather Icons project that you started a while ago.

We are the creators and developers of Weathercloud, a free global weather network with currently over 10,000 weather stations reporting data in real time.

Weathercloud was launched 3 years ago and is already one of the most popular weather networks in the world. The platform is open to anyone who has a weather station and wants to share his data with other people all around the globe. The network is also open to users without a weather station, who use it to check the current conditions online.

Based in Barcelona, our team is currently made up of 4 people, a graphic designer and 3 programmers with extensive knowledge of different programming languages. We have created all the materials included in the network ourselves.

Our site features a simple and clean design so the Weather Icons would fit perfectly on it. Our idea is to use them in the present weather and forecast sections, which are displayed on the profile page of each of the stations of the network, and then keep developing new icons and supporting users using them.

We look forward to comply with your expectations and be able to keep developing Weather Icons. We remain at your disposal for anything you may need from us.


The Weathercloud team

michaelmcshinsky commented 6 years ago

Hi Erik,

I would be very interested in contributing and/or maintaining the UX and Front-end of this. I have a colleague well versed in the icon font side of things that would also be very interested in this as well.

Mistermay commented 6 years ago

Hi Erik,

To be honest this project fits perfectly with our own project. Unfortunately I cant tell much out in the open but can we talk more privately. The project will remain fully as it is and will be maintained. free for anyone to use.

Let me know if its still there for us to discuss.


Extarys commented 6 years ago

@Mistermay @Weathercloud @alexvickers Hey guys! I was wondering if any of you did pursue your projects and imrpove or made your own open source weather font.

The author doesn't seem to be active anymore on GitHub.

dirkrmeij commented 6 years ago


Actually yes and we are going live under: IF you like to participate please let me know

brian-g commented 6 years ago

What about adding to Font Awesome?

dirkrmeij commented 6 years ago

I like to keep the project free and open for any one to use. FA is not fully free to use.

Mistermay commented 6 years ago

Sorry answering with my other account. But we are launching under; So if you like to contribute let me know. We have already added some Fonts of our own.

Extarys commented 6 years ago

Awesome, thank you for your replies. Could you ping me here once the domain is up if you think about doing so? (It appears, at least on my end, that the domain doesn't currently respond)

No hard feeling if you forget :smile:

MattGreyDesign commented 6 years ago

Hi, can I ask if there is an official fork of this project? I've been following this project for a while, so if no one has picked this up, I would be keen to maintain but also refresh the project.

Background-wise, I'm a full-time UI/UX designer but also have a history in frontend implementation, icon design, font development and style kit documentation.

In essence, my goal would be to refresh the whole project, updating the documentation and website to a more up to date design and framework with helpful instant search features rolled in (I'm thinking something like, and developing new custom icons based on requests.

At the same time, I'll be keeping to the same vein in respect to platform support and maintaining the pipeline's current implementation, but also taking on any improvements to this from the community (Webpack would be awesome...?). Licensing and attribution would stay the same of course.

erikflowers commented 6 years ago

There is no official fork. I'd be happy to support anyone who wants to take it up. If someone did fork this repo and gave it a revamp, I'd be happy to support it. The icons account for like 25% of the work, the other 75% is around maintaining requests, trying to find build systems and other techniques that most people will be able to understand use, innovate on what is already here to keep things fresh and competitive, etc. And given that I know very little about modern OSS projects, how to make packages, grunts, nodes, etc, until someone forks it and gives it a "3.0" overhaul, I am not much help.

The whole repo is public and forkable, and the licensing of the icons I think is pretty much anything goes other than selling the icons or making money from them through a membership or whatever. So, if you have an inclination to make a fork, please do. My whole process and build system were so convoluted and ad-hoc, I don't even really remember what it all was. The project just passed 5 years old.

Anyways - if you (or anyone else) wants to actually fork it and follow through to a "3.0" version, I am happy to answer questions and support the project if it's going to be maintained, updated, etc.

Thanks for the interest, I hope it sparks someone's motivation πŸ‘

MattGreyDesign commented 5 years ago

@erikflowers I'll fork and start reviewing what there is and see if it's in enough demand from others to roadmap a future. I won't bother you too much as I'm sure you're busy! but I'll come back to you if I make any progress and decide to pick it up.


slawa-dev commented 5 years ago

Font Awesome 5 now has some weather icons as well. It is still not nearly as plentiful as Weather Icons.

Extarys commented 5 years ago

@dirkrmeij Link down for ? :disappointed:

pragmat1c commented 5 years ago


Actually yes and we are going live under: IF you like to participate please let me know

This is a bust.

Mistermay commented 5 years ago

@Extarys, Actually yes and we are going live under: IF you like to participate please let me know

This is a bust.

To be honest Ive been so busy that I did not had time to start with it. Ill look in to it so we can proceed with it and keep it alive for the public to use.

Sorry all for my disappointment towards you guys.

Mistermay commented 5 years ago

There is no official fork. I'd be happy to support anyone who wants to take it up. If someone did fork this repo and gave it a revamp, I'd be happy to support it. The icons account for like 25% of the work, the other 75% is around maintaining requests, trying to find build systems and other techniques that most people will be able to understand use, innovate on what is already here to keep things fresh and competitive, etc. And given that I know very little about modern OSS projects, how to make packages, grunts, nodes, etc, until someone forks it and gives it a "3.0" overhaul, I am not much help.

The whole repo is public and forkable, and the licensing of the icons I think is pretty much anything goes other than selling the icons or making money from them through a membership or whatever. So, if you have an inclination to make a fork, please do. My whole process and build system were so convoluted and ad-hoc, I don't even really remember what it all was. The project just passed 5 years old.

Anyways - if you (or anyone else) wants to actually fork it and follow through to a "3.0" version, I am happy to answer questions and support the project if it's going to be maintained, updated, etc.

Thanks for the interest, I hope it sparks someone's motivation πŸ‘


I can create a fully new website fot but I'd rather build upon the one you already have created. Is there a possibility I can get hold of the theming that you have on: Or can we even merge the 2 domain names to get this thing up and running.

Id like to have the official fork going :)


Extarys commented 5 years ago

@Mistermay That would be awesome.

Thanks for keeping us updated :+1:

dirkrmeij commented 4 years ago

@erikflowers @Extarys,

The website is finally up and running.

I am busy with the 3.0 Icons. If you would support as the official fork so we can keep the project alive and future proof this would be awesome.

@erikflowers I can take over If you want. Just DM me so we can discuss it further.

For all others like to help develop en maintain the new you are most welcome to send a DM so we can see how we can help each other.

Potherca commented 4 years ago

If you would support as the official fork

I think it might be wise to restore the git history in that repo before asking for support. In its current state, it is missing the original 159 commits...

fox91 commented 4 years ago

Hi @dirkrmeij and @Potherca, I have been in contact with @erikflowers, I have taken over the development of the project and I plan to move it or create a fork keeping it unchanged. I had never developed for this project but I had only used it and I am understanding how Erik managed it to decide how it would be better to transform it to make things much easier for everyone. I think the only thing that is not needed now is the fragmentation of the community around us so I decided to leave the project here and keep it open until I was ready to take it on actively.

I am a developer and not a graphic designer so I can manage everything but I cannot intervene much in the modification / insertion of new icons.

Any kind of collaboration is welcome.

Thanks Andrew

Potherca commented 4 years ago

If I grok it all correctly:

I agree combatting fragmentation is a good start. Part of the problem is that it is all a bit of a black box right now. There isn't any place where the ongoing collaboration is documented. No idea who is talking to whom. And this thread does not really seem the most effective place for all of this 😞

If there are any concrete plans, I don't mind helping out. If there aren't any concrete plans, I can help form them. I've got experience from maintaining and contributong to other FOSS projects.

fox91 commented 4 years ago

Hi @Potherca, I believe that any kind of help is precious. I have no experience in maintaining FOSS projects but I have always contributed where possible. Surely your experience would be important to give the right setting to the project, to start.

What do you suggest using to coordinate the project so you can start somewhere? Maybe Slack? Or something else?

dshanske commented 4 years ago

I as a user am willing to help with issue wrangling and such, but agree that this is getting confusing.

dirkrmeij commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

To be clear from our side: will be our new design site for our new 3.0 designs that we are making. Like we said if the decision is made that the official fork is elsewhere that is fine for us. We will move forward with this website in any case.

dirkrmeij commented 4 years ago

@erikflowers We never got a response from you so we decided to move forward with it.

fox91 commented 4 years ago

Hi @dirkrmeij, to clarify the situation: is there a company behind the new 3.0 design on or are you a group of users? As @Potherca said, do you have an action plan that you can share with who is currently using this version of the project?

ryanoasis commented 2 years ago

Hey, Nerd Fonts creator here. I'm very late to the news here but sad to see this is no longer maintained, I was in the process of updating licensing for Nerd Fonts but see you didn't have a LICENSE/OFL file so I'm creating one in our project next to the weather icons ttf file.

Anyway all the best. Thanks for the work here and especially the glyphs (Lukas Bischoff?). πŸ‘πŸ»