erikflowers / weather-icons

215 Weather Themed Icons and CSS
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Update Forecast.IO Wind Mapping #213

Open Otolock opened 5 years ago

Otolock commented 5 years ago


The mapping on the API list example for the wind icon is incorrect. It says to use wi-forecast-io-wind: strong-wind however the current Forecast.IO API returns an icon for "wind" rather than "strong-wind".

A machine-readable text summary of this data point, suitable for selecting an icon for display. If defined, this property will have one of the following values: clear-day, clear-night, rain, snow, sleet, wind, fog, cloudy, partly-cloudy-day, or partly-cloudy-night. (Developers should ensure that a sensible default is defined, as additional values, such as hail, thunderstorm, or tornado, may be defined in the future.)

Otolock commented 5 years ago

Created PR #214 to correct this.