erikflowers / weather-icons

215 Weather Themed Icons and CSS
6.88k stars 849 forks source link

Project status: contributors needed #228

Open stebogit opened 3 years ago

stebogit commented 3 years ago

Hi, I want to use these nice icons but I was wondering about the status of the project. It looks like it is not abandoned anymore, but then I found this comment suggesting to refer to this repo now?

@fox91, since it seems you are the current maintainer, can you please clarify the official situation of the project at the moment? Thanks!

fox91 commented 3 years ago

Hi @stebogit and sorry for the delay. There is currently no official fork carrying the work forward.

To avoid fragmentation of the already small community of supporters, I am trying to carry out part of the modernization process here.

If you want / can help you are welcome!

rejas commented 1 year ago

hi @fox91 are you still looking for help maintaining this here? or are there better / more active alternaties out there already?

fox91 commented 1 year ago

Hi @rejas, I no longer had much time to devote to this project.

The structure of the project is slightly dated but much of it could be updated. The biggest problem are the icons: originally they were drawn using Glyphs, from here they were transformed into fonts, CSS and so on. This software is proprietary and not the best for an open project. There is FontForge software but I've never been able to do much with it.

@geoctrl extracted them in SVG starting, I think, from the glyphs file. I tried several times to convert the current SVG into fonts with poor results, or at least graphically different from the current ones. Ideally it would be nice to redesign them almost from scratch in SVG (or adapt the current ones) in order to start from this format, generate the fonts and so on, like the other open fonts do (eg: Bootstrap Icons).

I'm not a graphic designer so I can't deal with this part, most of the contributions would be needed here.

Since I've been following the project (I'd say since about 2016) I can count on the fingers of one hand the actual contributions that have been made and not a single one has concerned the insertion of new icons. A number of forks were born over time but, as far as I know, they all died the same way.

If you think you can contribute in any way you are welcome, any help is welcome.

geoctrl commented 1 year ago

✋ my vote is to consider this a SVG repo, and allow MR's to change/update those SVGs (as @fox91 mentioned, those are few and far between...)

never really liked font icons... hard to maintain, sometimes difficult to position in layouts...

as far as consuming SVGs go, this bootstrap-icon usage page shows all the ways you can consume SVGs... I'm personally partial to sprite-based using icoset and icoset-webpack-plugin.

MagMar94 commented 1 year ago

Ideally it would be nice to redesign them almost from scratch in SVG (or adapt the current ones) in order to start from this format, generate the fonts and so on, like the other open fonts do (eg: Bootstrap Icons).

I'm not a graphic designer either, but given the style of the icons I think I can create SVGs in a similar style. I can at least give it a shot. I have not worked on any icon repository before, so I'm a bit confused about what other changes are needed to add new symbols. How would the fonts be generated? I like the instructions on how to contribute with new symbols to Bootstrap Icons. Would I be possible to do something similar here?