Note that the wind speed (in m/s) is 0.45 average and 1.79 gust, or 0.9 kts average and 3.5 knots gust. This is not a windy or gusty day. I think a gusty day would be at least 15 kts.
I suggest instead that the "cloudy" (and day-cloudy/night-cloudy variants) are a better mapping than "cloudy-gusts".
I could open a pull request with this change but wanted to gather and feedback first. Thank you!
Recently, I retrieved the following response for current weather for my location:
'weather': [{'id': 803, 'main': 'Clouds', 'description': 'broken clouds', 'icon': '04d'}], 'base': 'stations', 'main': {'temp': 282.54, 'feels_like': 282.54, 'temp_min': 279.47, 'temp_max': 285.29, 'pressure': 1018, 'humidity': 85}, 'visibility': 10000, 'wind': {'speed': 0.45, 'deg': 0, 'gust': 1.79}, 'clouds': {'all': 75} [...snip...]
Note that the wind speed (in m/s) is 0.45 average and 1.79 gust, or 0.9 kts average and 3.5 knots gust. This is not a windy or gusty day. I think a gusty day would be at least 15 kts.
I suggest instead that the "cloudy" (and day-cloudy/night-cloudy variants) are a better mapping than "cloudy-gusts".
I could open a pull request with this change but wanted to gather and feedback first. Thank you!