erikfrey / bashreduce

mapreduce in bash
MIT License
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Redhat/CentOS #2

Open adorosario opened 14 years ago

adorosario commented 14 years ago

Any luck with the redhat system? I tried removing the -q0 from nc and that took me a little further.

However, there seem to be other problems with the ssh'ing.

edwardbadboy commented 11 years ago

I run into the nc -q0 problem as well. I'm using Fedora17. What's the meaning of the -q0 option? I wonder if there is another option can do the same thing as -q0 in Fedora's nc.

erikfrey commented 11 years ago

-q0 instructs netcat to close immediately after reading EOF from stdin.

It may not be necessary at all in Fedora, but I don't have a way of testing. If you can get br to run the example and performance tests in Fedora, with different arguments to netcat, I'll add a switch to conditionally use those args.

lloydzhou commented 11 years ago

i get the error message "nc: invalid option -- 'q'" when run it in centos6.4.

cristina-abad commented 8 years ago

Try installing nc6 and using it instead of nc in the br script. That solved the problem for me.

Link to nc6 source: