erikhuizinga / Bland-Altman-Analysis

A MATLAB function for Bland-Altman Analysis of agreement between measurement methods.
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Error bars on mean-statistic scatter plots #10

Open erikhuizinga opened 8 years ago

erikhuizinga commented 8 years ago

New feature idea: Both vertical and horizontal (R2016b required) error bars can be added with an additional 'SDBar',true Name-Value pair argument. The error would be the within-subject standard deviation of the mean (horizontal) and the difference (vertical).

This is useful for visualisation of the data when repeated measurements are graphed. The amount of variation within a subject becomes apparent. This provides little information about the agreement between methods, but it does show what the methods mean-statistic standard deviations are within subjects. The bias and LOA and their CIs provide the overall agreement information.

Example image (ignore the different lengths in x and y directions): Both horizontal and vertical error bars on a scatter plot