erikjhordan-rey / People-MVVM

Sample created to practice MVVM and DataBinding in Android Applications.
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Method out of date #1

Closed zhangle1 closed 8 years ago

zhangle1 commented 8 years ago

Hello, I am a novice, English is not very good,... I found your project example is well written, but I suggest that the use of gradle version I databinding new method. @BindingAdapter ({imageUrl}) instead of @BindingAdapter ({bind:imageUrl}) Android:onClick= "@{peopleViewModel:: onItemClick}" instead of Android:onClick= "@{peopleViewModel.onItemClick} Thank you for your code. O(∩_∩)O

erikjhordan-rey commented 8 years ago

@zhangle1 The warning occurs if you use any namespace prefix, If you omit the namespace, like so: @BindingAdapter({"imageUrl"}) now it is solved, Thanks for the observation.