What is meany by op_acc in SGAN. And how it is calculated from d_loss[4]. How much parameter d_loss have? What is difference between acc and op_acc? Is op_acc signifies that how efficiently class labels are identified or labeled. i.e. among 0 to 9, is generated sample is 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9. And acc means how efficiently discriminator discriminates between real and fake samples.
What is meany by op_acc in SGAN. And how it is calculated from d_loss[4]. How much parameter d_loss have? What is difference between acc and op_acc? Is op_acc signifies that how efficiently class labels are identified or labeled. i.e. among 0 to 9, is generated sample is 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9. And acc means how efficiently discriminator discriminates between real and fake samples.