Open zjx-immersion opened 8 years ago
I got the same issue when I tried to get things up and running. I added ;charset=UTF-8 to the Content-Type header, e.g:
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
E.g. in the eurekaclient.go file.
I was running against a quite new Spring Clound Eureka instance provided by a Spring Boot application.
Also, I'm having issues with my service disappearing from Eureka with "Registry: lease doesn't exist, registering resource" in the Eureka log. Still troubleshooting that.
Hope this helps.
I was able to get it to register with the following
{ "instance": { "instanceId": "vendor:${instanceId}", "hostName": "${ipAddress}", "app": "vendor", "ipAddr": "${ipAddress}", "vipAddress": "vendor-data-service", "status": "UP", "port": { "$":8080, "@enabled": "true" }, "securePort": { "$": 8443, "@enabled": "false" }, "homePageUrl": "http://${ipAddress}:${port}/", "statusPageUrl": "http://${ipAddress}:${port}/info", "healthCheckUrl": "http://${ipAddress}:${port}/health", "dataCenterInfo": { "@class": "", "name": "MyOwn" } } }
Does this still work ?
Hi, I have not looked at this repo for several years, I kind of suspect that it is terribly out of date.
Hi, I have not looked at this repo for several years, I kind of suspect that it is terribly out of date.
Thank you .
Hi, I just inject this dependency and it works !
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Hi Man
I encounter a issue when using your repo to register to Eureka. in Eureka side we could saw as below:
discovery | 2016-11-07 08:52:05.249 WARN 1 --- [nio-8761-exec-4] c.n.e.registry.AbstractInstanceRegistry : DS: Registry: lease doesn't exist, registering resource: VENDOR - discovery | 2016-11-07 08:52:05.249 WARN 1 --- [nio-8761-exec-4] c.n.eureka.resources.InstanceResource : Not Found (Renew): VENDOR - discovery | 2016-11-07 08:52:35.256 WARN 1 --- [io-8761-exec-10] c.n.e.registry.AbstractInstanceRegistry : DS: Registry: lease doesn't exist, registering resource: VENDOR - discovery | 2016-11-07 08:52:35.256 WARN 1 --- [io-8761-exec-10] c.n.eureka.resources.InstanceResource : Not Found (Renew): VENDOR - discovery | 2016-11-07 08:53:05.263 WARN 1 --- [nio-8761-exec-4] c.n.e.registry.AbstractInstanceRegistry : DS: Registry: lease doesn't exist, registering resource: VENDOR -
Can you help? thanks a lot!