erikras / react-redux-universal-hot-example

A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
MIT License
12k stars 2.5k forks source link

Is it time for an official fork? #1184

Open roof12 opened 8 years ago

roof12 commented 8 years ago

This project has been very successful. It has garnered a lot of interest and helped me and many others. However, it is falling behind. Dependency versions are old and pull requests are stacking up. I don't bother to create pull requests because it is unlikely they will get merged.

This project was the boilerplate for an application of mine in production. It is not a big deal for me if this project dies. I'll update my application and move on. But we still get a lot new interest. Without too much work we could keep things current.

@erikras do you anticipate further work on this? If not, there are at least several people with write access but they haven't been very active recently. Should a few more be added? I'd be happy to help.

If we don't get any response, is there any interest in an official fork with at least several active committers?

Edit: Thanks @erikras I appreciate your work!

jaraquistain commented 8 years ago

I'm in the same boat; This boilerplate was vital in helping me get my app going but in the past month or so I've been checking in less and less as it gets further behind and I've been keeping things up to date on my own (and not merging back because the pull requests already exist). I'm not sure I can commit development resources towards an updated fork, but I'd be more than willing to help answer question tickets as they come in.

alecf commented 8 years ago

I'm anxious enough to get my pull request in that I'm also willing to help review/etc...I'm anticipating starting a fresh project from this, and I'd rather update all the packages here, rather than locally.

sheldonj commented 8 years ago

I'm about to start a really large project using this as my boilerplate, but I'm hesitating because some of the version numbers are pretty old. I'm pretty interested in starting from a clean slate.

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

@jaraquistain & @roof12

Im exactly in that same situation. Our project was based off this repo. We would have huge amounts to contribute back as lessons learnt from deploying to production.

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

I have merge / write access to this repo BTW. My only issue with the current repo is most of the issues raised are from newbies "How do i do this?". They belong on stack overflow. People who use a boilerplate to learn react are approaching it entirely wrong.

If you don't know what your stack does, how it works or what its dependancies do you are creating a world of pain for yourself. Go learn the ecosystem from the bottom up, THEN use a boiler plate. You will cut down your hours to production by half.

There is only one situation I would be willing to contribute to such a project:

oyeanuj commented 8 years ago

Appreciate all of you willing to help contribute to update the library.

I feel like I can also contribute the lessons I have learnt from creating a fairly extensive app, starting off from this boilerplate and in general, contribute back in any way I can.

@andersryanc I'd love to see some of those points that you've mentioned in the lessons learnt especially auth, refactored server render, docker, etc.

Also, to your point of closing the issues to just developers, I don't think we'll need to go that far if we can (starting now) point them towards SO and Gitter/Discord at the beginning of the README fairly clearly Currently, the FAQ sort of encourages folks to create issues for any questions. I like the approach that some other libraries take wherein you can have a clear instruction on the README and then close any issue that might come up (which doesn't happen that often). Closing 'issues' to vetted developers makes it harder for new enthusiasts, like I once was, to feel included.

And finally for, How-To's, I envision linking to or maintaining community contributed recipes could help to deal with specific sort of use-cases without overloading the boilerplate itself (react-virtualized is a good example).

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

Sure, there is allot. The server refactor is the simplest and as I was just in that headspace here is a gist taken straight from what we have:

jaraquistain commented 8 years ago

@andrewmclagan Thanks for that gist, My next app steps are to really clean up both the dev-flow logic and server-side stuff so it'll be a useful reference for me.

If you find some spare time the points I'd be interested in some elaboration on are:

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

Sure, more then happy to elaborate. Will jot it here when i have time.

roof12 commented 8 years ago

I'm still hoping to hear from @erikras. I emailed him directly in case he has notifications turned off for this project.

If does not respond or is not interested in maintaining the project, I suggest that we proceed conservatively. There are a lot of good ideas for changing things, but the first goal ought to be updating module versions and replacing obsolete modules. After that, well, everyone has ideas but the direction is determined by the people willing to do the work.

erikras commented 8 years ago

Hi guys. I'm afraid I don't really have time to help maintain this repo. My OSS resources are already swamped with redux-form, which is a library that hundreds of people are actually using in production (currently at 124k downloads/month), so this boilerplate learner repo has fallen to the side.

I said as much when I anointed @andrewmclagan as a Contributor. In my opinion, the goal for this repo, going forward, should be as a solid, but minimal, collection of the best bleeding edge technologies, but not a whole kitchen sink smorgasbord of every silly little npm package that someone writes. A good example of "every silly little npm package someone writes" is multireducer, which I mostly wrote as an exercise in understanding Redux and does not belong in this repo.

This repo benefited from being one of the first to catch the Redux / Hot Reloading wave, but now there are myriad others out there. It was always meant to be a technology learning platform, and was never a versioned library to be required() into a project. I have personally cloned this repo several times to build web apps, so it is still useful for that, but yes, it needs to be modernized with its dependencies, which means fixing breaking changes of, say, react-router, as they appear.

From his comments on this issue, I'm confident that @andrewmclagan is the right person to move this repo forward...assuming he has the time. If someone would like to volunteer to help him, I think that maintaining this repo, rather than "an official fork", would be a better option.

alecperkey commented 8 years ago

There's at least one 'enthusiast' who forked this for a startup & has enjoyed its stack the last 3 months. So, I'm invested in fostering this repo's continued maintenance and open source fertility.

I'll start being more active with the issues and/or discord/stackoverflow.

Saying that, the discord channel invite page says it's expired:

Channel missing from my reactiflux dashboard also.

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

@erikras I would have answered that question for you had you not already done so haha:

I'm afraid I don't really have time to help maintain this repo. My OSS resources are already swamped with redux-form

You are doing so much good work there my friend! Keep it up.

I agree with you, I feel any focus that I put here, into a boiler plate is somewhat futile. In a sense its a great learning resource and will further the community. Although I cant stress enough that people should go off and learn react step by step. Do not jump into a boiler plate without knowing what the dependancies, methodologies and patterns are. You are just creating a nightmare for yourself.

mmahalwy commented 8 years ago

@andrewmclagan how can we help?

roof12 commented 8 years ago

I don't understand how to reconcile "technology learning platform" (@erikras) with @andrewmclagan's interest in discouraging beginners. But, we'll see how it unfolds. I mostly want to see the dependencies caught up.

I'm available to help with code. I'm also willing to answer questions and close tickets.

Fouppy commented 8 years ago

I'd be glad to help too, I've been using this boilerplate for several projects and have updated its dependencies for them

erikras commented 8 years ago

I don't understand how to reconcile "technology learning platform" (@erikras) with @andrewmclagan's interest in discouraging beginners.

Different people learn differently. This repo is not a good place to start for a total React n00b, but if you've got a general grip on what React is, what Redux is, and a vague understanding of what Webpack does, but are wondering, "Okay, but what does a fully built website look like?", then this is the perfect repo to answer that question.

I, personally, discover a lot of new tech by reading through other people's source code and thinking, "What is this library being imported here?", and then investigating to understand what it does and how the pieces fit together.

When I first published it, there were very few repos that truly combined the best of the tech on offer. What I think this repo should be is a simple, fully functioning, demonstration of the current best tech.

dlong500 commented 8 years ago

@andrewmclagan It sounds like you've done a lot of refactoring already for your own projects. Even if you don't immediately have the time to merge your changes back into this repo yourself it might be something others could work on if you set up another repo with the changes you've made. It would help a lot just to see how you cleaned things up and removed unnecessary dependencies.

jaraquistain commented 8 years ago

^ seconded. The thing that I generally find most useful is just pouring over someone else's implementations and using that to inform my own development choices

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I apologias if people have taken my comments the wrong way. The most important thing is to foster the react community, if we truly want this stack to be long lived. As @erikras mentioned, everybody learns differently. Certainly you need a level of ability in react, webpack and node in general to decipher or gain any insights from a repo such as this. A basic understanding, certainly not expert level.

Still, I strongly believe novice devs are making their life tough by building projects on a codebase they don't understand. One strength of the react community is the vast amount of learning resources around React, Redux, Webpack, ES6+.... What is a novice dev? If your unable to trace how something was implemented in this repo through the stack, then you are probably missing some core concepts.

I will start with a few small PR's over the next week or so, leave them up for review as I have merge access I wont assume they are best practice. For sure Im not going to say what we have come up with is the best way forward, although know that our stack is currently being used in production distributed across 4 machines in a docker container architecture. Handling in excess of 70,000 unique visits a day.

richb-hanover commented 8 years ago

@erikras @andrewmclagan Thanks for this project. As an (intermediate) noob who stepped into this project, I now understand your thoughts about using this project as a base for a full system, not as a learning tool.

One (quick) concrete thing you could do is to review the to help set people's expectations about the project. I've summarized (correctly, I hope) these points from the discussion above:

About the project:

Who should use this?

Thanks again for all the work you've put into it.

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

Spot on, perhaps write up a PR. Very well worded.

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

One area we do need to document is the async side effect architecture. It's basically a modified thunk middleware model. It's not noted anywhere as I'm aware

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

On that note we should discuss this moving forward. Promises are great, although as applications scale redux-saga like patterns really make a difference. At the cost of understanding generator functions

andrewmclagan commented 8 years ago

To continue has anyone taken a look at react-boilerplate? It's by far the most concise foundation I have come accross. We could learn some lessons from them. Especially in testing and docs.

mxstbr commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the compliments @andrewmclagan, ping me if you need pointers for specific things.

I personally really love redux-saga and think it's going to be the future, but the generator functions tend to scare off people. Imo they'll have to learn them anyway sooner or later, so that's a tradeoff that's worth having.

richb-hanover commented 8 years ago

@andrewmclagan Thanks for the kind words about my summary. I must apologize that I won't have time to create a PR for edits to the but please do carry on.

anomaly44 commented 8 years ago

I could also help answering questions and closing issues. I started using this boilerplate 6 months ago for a project that's now in production, would like to see this updated and advanced further

igoldny commented 8 years ago

@andrewmclagan what about all the work that @bdefore have done on this project?

jmcclell commented 8 years ago

@andrewmclagan I will say that for seasoned developers who have learned countless frameworks in a myriad of languages, boilerplates are often the best way to glean the "best practices" as learning from the bottom up can be frustrating when we are used to being able to see the bigger picture. Given a well-made boiler plate I can generally see what's going on and begin to dissect why rather quickly, and I find it a more enjoyable way to learn when compared to simply reading docs and creating Hello Worlds at this stage. Once I understand the bigger picture, I have more context going into the details and it appears to be my preference. Just one perspective /shrug

sunkant commented 8 years ago

I believe that Github should have a new "issues" section which is specifically for "HOW" questions, haha.

I strongly think that there should be two "issues" sections, one for the developing / improving issues ( the present one ), and the other one for "HOW" questions, we can call it "questions".

Asking in another website for a specific project is too inefficient.

roof12 commented 8 years ago

Here's my summary of the conversation so far:

@erikras: This project is intended to be a minimal learning platform. I don't have time to work on it. @andrewmclagan supports this vision and is in charge.

@andrewmclagan: I agree. It is not meant for beginners. I'd like to add much more, like JWT and Docker. I'll try to make some commits, but any work I do is probably wasted.

Multiple people: Great, how can we help?

[No response]

I feel bad for new people starting with this project and those submitting pull requests. I feel they would be better served if we pointed them to an actively maintained project.

If there was interest in continuing the original vision of @erikras, I could contribute meaningful work but not lead it. That path seems unlikely. Another option would be to admit that we are not a good starting point for new projects and pivot to a shared application core for those who already have applications in production. I would be in favor of that, but it would be challenging due to how much we have all diverged from master.

None of this is meant as a complaint. I have no expectations, only appreciation for all who have contributed. I just don't like the uncertainty of the status of the project.

trungpham commented 8 years ago

checkout this project looks very clean and up to date.

tzarger commented 8 years ago

@roof12 It appears this project has been abandoned as the issues and PRs keep piling up... not that it is a bad thing as @erikras is doing some great work on redux-form! It seems @andrewmclagan has perhaps abandoned this project as well since he was not in favor due to the number of newbies asking questions and I am sure he is real busy too, so I am not sure he would want to be the lead on this repo. It is too bad as this project had some really great features in its time but has simply fallen behind and out of date. I would also like to say I appreciate everyone who has contributed to this project, thank you.

brtw commented 8 years ago

Then wouldn't this be a great time to fork? It seems that question was taken off the table, but is the cause for the whole discussion. I see that @bertho-zero made a PR with package updates and a few others have mentioned that they have kept their projects up to date. I could imagine many would like to see this project continue, as would I.

oyeanuj commented 8 years ago

@andrewmclagan: I will start with a few small PR's over the next week or so, leave them up for review as I have merge access I wont assume they are best practice.

Before we adopt the fork, maybe@andrewmclagan can chime in? @andrewmclagan, are you still planning to start updating this repo as per your above comment?

casertap commented 8 years ago

Hey @andrewmclagan can you share your work on migrating to redux-saga?

anomaly44 commented 8 years ago

so, nobody's up to the task?

igoldny commented 8 years ago

checkout racket it's really nice refactor of react-redux-universal-hot-example with saga and yo built in

xkawi commented 8 years ago

you could check react-universal-saga, it's based on this repo for a real project that I did for my company. It has all the updated dependencies and redux-saga of course.

There are still some TODOs that I plan to implement to represent a more 'real-world' codebase, but at its state right now, it should be good enough to kick-off any production-ready project. The good thing about react-universal-saga is that, you have the flexibility and control over the codebase in however ways you want to modify it to meet your requirement.

SunHuawei commented 8 years ago

Find this, Seems @bertho-zero would keep to lead this.

isaachinman commented 8 years ago

@SunHuawei Not sure about that. That fork is much more opinionated than the original project, and not in a good way (imo). Databasing should be left up to the end user.

SunHuawei commented 8 years ago

@isaachinman, yes, agree. So, I am going to fork this and fix the out of date dependencies by myself. After that, maybe I can improve it continuously regarding the original idea - keep focus on front-end.

tzarger commented 8 years ago

@SunHuawei That would be awesome. It is sad that this boilerplate has been abandoned. Please let me know when you fork it, perhaps with time available, I could help out in some way.

mmahalwy commented 8 years ago

Since this boilerplate has been abandoned - is there alternatives anyone can suggest? This repo was beyond just getting started up and running fast but was a great place for people to share the latest trends, libraries, etc. and see it in action!

isaachinman commented 8 years ago

If people are interested, I can clean up my fork a bit and share it. I believe the only breaking change if you use ncu and bring all dependencies to their most current versions has to do with syncHistoryWithStore.

What I liked the most about this boilerplate was the carefully thought out architecture, but also that it remained pretty unopinionated outside of that.

SunHuawei commented 8 years ago

@mmahalwy, cannot agree more. Since that, it is absolutely necessary to keep the libraries right at the bleeding edge. I am willing to take this. As I said above, I will fix the out of date dependencies issue first. After that I will let you guys know. And @tzarger , sure, believe you guys would be helpful.

oyeanuj commented 8 years ago

@isaachinman @SunHuawei Btw, @bertho-zero's repo also has a basic-api branch which is without the new opinionated stuff. Do take a look at that, and the updates there.

SunHuawei commented 8 years ago

@oyeanuj , yes, there is a basic-api. I checked it just seconds ago, but it just has one change( actually. Seems he reverted all changes merged from master before that commit.

bertho-zero commented 8 years ago

You can also see all the changes between the original repo and my basic-api branch here: .../compare/master...bertho-zero:basic-api

and you can retrieve a .diff or .patch by adding the extension to the url above:

Feathersjs, for short, this is an extension of use for express services, hooks, events ... and a client to connect easily. Each parts of feathers is optional, that is why it is so light.

If you do not know feathers, I can only advise you to throw them a look.

Its purpose and application that I'm going in the direction of universal API, connectable to any database system with the management of real-time (or not), and all the aspects feathers brings. It is very intuitive, easy to understand and the documentation is pretty cool.

For those wishing to start a project from scratch with an api in node so it will be very fast to create a restful API connected to their favorite database and the client, with a very flexible authentication system (which manages eg roles), all this in the form of reusable services easily called in front.

All previous functionality are also still there, for those who want only the SSR, or only client I created the branch basic-api.