erikras / react-redux-universal-hot-example

A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
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Best way to add 3rd part libraries #1287

Closed mauricioklein closed 1 year ago

mauricioklein commented 7 years ago


First of all, congratulations for the great work.

I'm trying to use videojs-markers on the system, and this libra has 3 dependencies:

My question is: what's the best way to load these scripts to my project?

Today, I'm downloading the 3 respective files and saving them in static/vendor/javascript.

Then, I just add them in Html.jsx as follow:

   <div id="content" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: content}}/>
   <script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: `window.__data=${serialize(store.getState())};`}} charSet="UTF-8"/>
   <script src={assets.javascript.main} charSet="UTF-8"/>

   { /* Video.js */ }
   <script src={require("../../static/vendor/javascript/video.min.js")}></script>
   <script src={require("../../static/vendor/javascript/jquery-2.0.3.min.js")}></script>
   <script src={require("../../static/vendor/javascript/videojs-markers.min.js")}></script>

But this is not working. Maybe there's a way to embed these files in the single js file bundled by webpack, but I don't know how. So, would really appreciate some help here about the best way to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance for all support!

govind999 commented 7 years ago

for third party plugins, you have to use this way only. If you want to bundle, simple add a npm task and bundle them, copy these three files into a directory and do something like this

scripts": { "build": "webpack && uglifyjs ./vendor/*.js -c -m -o ./dst/bundle.min.js --source-map ./dst/" }

EthanSnow commented 7 years ago

Can I just import them at top of my components?

VSuryaBhargava commented 7 years ago

I import Jquery in the components where Jquery is used.

For the other libraries I include them in in the webpack config entry main


I exclude them for jsx loader and include them in client.js ( I use this method for 3rd party css too).

On Sep 22, 2016 12:19 PM, "EthanSnow" wrote:

Can I just import them at top of my components?

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mauricioklein commented 7 years ago

@govind999 Sorry, but I didn't get your point:

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