erikringsmuth / app-router

Router for Web Components
MIT License
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Update to work with Web Component v1 Specs #162

Open itsMattShull opened 7 years ago

itsMattShull commented 7 years ago

Anyone working on this? I've been using this web component for a while and I'm wanting to update to v1 specs for custom elements and shadow dom. If no one is working on upgrading I'll fork and start a project. If there is already a project I'd love to help migrate.

jmalonzo commented 7 years ago

None that I'm aware of. Please feel free to fork. Happy to review/merge a PR if you decide to upstream your changes.

itsMattShull commented 7 years ago

@jmalonzo Here is a repo for v1 compatibility. under the components folder there is app-router. It's in the right format for v1 but when I run gulp watch and it fires up no templates are brought in. I don't get any errors though. Leaving work now. Will look into this later but would appreciate any help looking into the matter. Side note: the HtmlElement javascript error in chrome that you may see is nothing.

jmalonzo commented 7 years ago

@derekshull Thanks I'll take a look this evening, if not this weekend.

cliedelt commented 7 years ago

Soo that have been a long weekend?

TypeError: e.registerElement is not a function is being thrown in firefox

barnomics commented 6 years ago

I did a PR to take care of this issue