erikringsmuth / app-router

Router for Web Components
MIT License
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Navigating back with an app-routed app #65

Closed mesokalos closed 9 years ago

mesokalos commented 9 years ago

Is there a way to make it possible to hit the back button without the page being "Not found". Additionally is it possible to use app router in a way that allows one to go directly to another page besides the home page. for example, I was able to get working well, but if you go to you get an error. Navigating through the navigation drawer to the photography link works great but can't seem to get it to work directly. Thank you!

tyler-dot-earth commented 9 years ago

This is a matter of server configuration, not app-router. Your server is looking for a corresponding '/photography' path, but there is none. There is only an root path (/, probably pointed at index.html) which contains a web page (the Polymer app).

The reason that navigation works through the drawer is because the browser never actually navigates (that is, never makes an HTTP GET request) to /photography -- it is manipulating the browser's history/state via an api. I.e. it's simply saying "now you're at /photography, but don't actually go there".

Does that make sense?

erikringsmuth commented 9 years ago

Yep, you'll either need to use hash links or history pushState().

If you use pushState() it requires extra setup on your server to return index.html even when you navigate to /photography.

mesokalos commented 9 years ago

Thank you! That makes sense,