erikringsmuth / app-router

Router for Web Components
MIT License
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Query parameters and path variables conflict with native DOM properties #92

Open erikringsmuth opened 9 years ago

erikringsmuth commented 9 years ago

Noted by @nomego in issue

Query paramaters like hidden=true overwrite the element's native DOM properties. For example, this URL hides the page:

The model generated by createModel() needs to change to look like this.

  params: {
    // path variables and query parameters
  router // if bindRoute attribute is set on the router or route

This will be a breaking change and need to bump the version to 3.0.0. A PR is already open

tommie commented 9 years ago

Another solution is having a whitelist of permitted parameters. Any reason not to go that route?

erikringsmuth commented 9 years ago

Checking a standard list of DOM properties could work. The downside to that would be if the user actually wanted to use a query parameter like hidden=true.

tommie commented 9 years ago

Good point. (Speaking of which, I'm also a bit concerned about W3C adding new attributes that suddenly get special meaning.)

Thanks for the explanation.

nomego commented 9 years ago

Let me add my thoughts to this case also.

First of all I've closed PR #90 since it depended on auto-binding template support, which won't be implemented. (Also issue #81 has been closed because of the same reason and because it turned into a discussion more than an issue.)

Benefits of scoped parameters:

Also if it were me, I wouldn't want to maintain black/whitelists of allowed/not allowed parameters/properties? And what will the documentation say? "Note, you cannot use these parameter names: id, hidden, ..." ?

Just want to make sure this change gets implemented in 3.0 :)

tommie commented 9 years ago

I agree overall.

Also if it were me, I wouldn't want to maintain black/whitelists of allowed/not allowed parameters/properties?

Coming from Polymer, I already maintain two sets of "allowed attributes" anyway (the attributes-attribute and the type-hinting Javascript property). So adding a third wouldn't really bother me (as it could be inferred from the attributes-attribute). But I realize other libraries may do it differently.

And what will the documentation say? "Note, you cannot use these parameter names: id, hidden, ..." ?

This is already a problem with attributes in HTML5 since you don't want to accidentally override global attributes (like title and hidden). Polymer has an [issue report[( on this, but the docs are a bit vague, IMHO. Native properties are apparently even more of a problem.

Stating it in app-router would just make it more explicit.

erikringsmuth commented 9 years ago

I agree with @nomego on this one. One of the biggest things for me is keeping the API simple. It's easy to explain a params field vs. explaining a new whitelist attribute or why you need to avoid global attributes. It's a breaking change either way.