erithtotl / wall-height

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Feature Request: Character Height! #11

Open amoooooo opened 3 years ago

amoooooo commented 3 years ago

A separate field to input a character's height, which is a minimum height they can see over. It gets REALLY annoying to have to set the elevation to weird numbers. Something like a vision only field, so their elevation is still 0 but they can see over walls say 6ft high.

AurelTristen commented 3 years ago

I was just headed here to ask for the same thing. Currently I set tokens to be +1 by default. Walls they can crouch behind are +1, and walls they should be able to peak over are +2. It works, but now I've got a load of +1 texts hanging around every scene.

msprijatelj commented 2 years ago

I would like to chime to support this issue, as well. I'm coming from the Lancer FoundryVTT system, and ideally I would like to have tokens have a base "elevation" equal to their size (Lancer primarily uses a unitless 1 square/hex grid system). I would love it if Wall Height could have the following:

  1. An optional toggle for token height
  2. A customizable field that allows me to reference a token attribute as height (e.g. being able to reference a token's Height attribute or its Size, in a system-agnostic way)
  3. A way to transform that token attribute to fit the scene (either through accepting an equation in #2's input or through a separate "Scale" parameter, perhaps the scale set in the Scene config)

Having just items 1 and 2 from that list would be enough for my purposes; 3 would be icing on the cake.

Shuggaloaf commented 2 years ago

I'd also love to see this feature. I see there is a token height in the newest release but it doesn't seem to do anything and I see no where to set anything, so I assume it is unrelated to this thread.


I set tokens to be +1 by default. Walls they can crouch behind are +1, and walls they should be able to peak over are +2.

Why not use -1, 0, 1 instead? Token height and walls they can crouch behind are then just left set at 0 so you don't have to manually change the majority of the things you're now changing (and also a lot less "+1" in the scene).

msprijatelj commented 2 years ago

@Shuggaloaf The Token Height option is under Foundry's Module Settings for Wall Height. The linked PR #22 should go into more detail about what it does and does not cover.

Shuggaloaf commented 2 years ago

@ msprijatelj Thank you for the PR link and I had seen the checkbox in Wall Height's settings.

I guess what is confusing me is the description and PR are speaking about a height attribute as if there is a way to assign a height for the token. So I'm imaging something where I can say this token is a 6' human, and then walls < 6', the token can see over.

If the height attribute is just referring to the core token height attribute (right-click, set a height), then I guess I'm missing what this does above core functionality?

I appreciate the help!

msprijatelj commented 2 years ago

@Shuggaloaf "Height" isn't the best term here, I admit; it has like 4 different meanings depending on the context in this situation:

The PR uses Elevation, Height, and Depth, but does NOT use Tallness. It assumes that Height and Depth are equivalent in size (so a token occupying a 5ft. square will correspondingly have a Depth of 5 ft.). With those terms defined, this is what Wall Height does:

Obviously, this is only a rough approximation that doesn't support a high level of granularity like the original poster requested, but the intent of the PR is that Medium creatures can see over Medium walls, Large creatures can see over Large walls, etc. The PR's reasoning was that a character could hop, duck, or otherwise move the position of their head to peek over a wall, and that the Size of the token was a close enough approximation for being able to see over a wall. Directly taking a character's Tallness would necessitate further changes, especially since those tend to be system-specific (and may not exist by default in some cases).

I hope this clarified things a bit? The ambiguity in the term "height" is definitely frustrating in this context.

Shuggaloaf commented 2 years ago

@msprijatelj Thank you for taking the time to write this very detailed explanation! All makes complete sense now. The "Tallness" variable is how I was expecting height to behave, and what was causing the confusion. I see now how height is calculated and it makes sense. It is a shame tallness couldn't be implemented, but height is probably close enough for most scenarios.

Thanks again for the detailed explanation!