erithtotl / wall-height

New fork of original project for continued improvements.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Request: (Macros for) Automation #15

Open ducky00 opened 3 years ago

ducky00 commented 3 years ago

Hey there!

I was thinking that it could be nice (if possible) if there was three new macros that come with the module. The first one would be a version of the already existing one but for walls, that is, you select a wall, execute the macro and set the wall's height top and bottom.

The second one would be a macro that sets a token height in a fixed value pre-determined in the macro (which could be changed by the user by editing the macro). So you select a token, execute the macro and bam, the height is set with no pop-up window. That would help to build more dynamic maps with the Levels module, as the token enters an area, the macro is executed and it just goes up those stairs automatically.

The third one would be about the same as the second, but for walls. So, pre-determined top and bottom heights in the macro, select a wall (or plenty of walls) execute the macro, heights setted.

And also, would be helpful to have an option in the settings to set default walls height, so the walls created would have those top and bottom heights automatically.

Thank you for the attention, and congratulations on the good work, I really apreciate your module!