eritpchy / Fingerprint-pay-magisk-wechat

微信指纹支付 (Fingerprint pay for WeChat)
515 stars 26 forks source link

微信Play 7.0.3 启用模块后导致微信无法启动 #1

Closed Mystery00 closed 5 years ago

Mystery00 commented 5 years ago

系统:Pixel Stock(Android Q beta2) Magisk 版本:v19.0-6050c4e8b(19004) Riru Core版本:v18 微信支付-微信 版本:v3.9.2



4-23 18:53:17.925  8650  8711 E No implementation found for java.util.ArrayList com.tencent.mars.smc.SmcLogic.getLoadLibraries() (tried Java_com_tencent_mars_smc_SmcLogic_getLoadLibraries and Java_com_tencent_mars_smc_SmcLogic_getLoadLibraries__)
04-23 18:53:17.990  8650  8705 I Adreno  : QUALCOMM build                   : 358ff7d, I19cfb9d852
04-23 18:53:17.990  8650  8705 I Adreno  : Build Date                       : 11/29/18
04-23 18:53:17.990  8650  8705 I Adreno  : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.25.15.00
04-23 18:53:17.990  8650  8705 I Adreno  : Local Branch                     :
04-23 18:53:17.990  8650  8705 I Adreno  : Remote Branch                    :
04-23 18:53:17.990  8650  8705 I Adreno  : Remote Branch                    :
04-23 18:53:17.990  8650  8705 I Adreno  : Reconstruct Branch               :
04-23 18:53:17.990  8650  8705 I Adreno  : Build Config                     : S L 4.0.10 AArch32
04-23 18:53:17.995  8650  8650 W ActivityThread: handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@aefde65
04-23 18:53:18.002  8650  8705 I Adreno  : PFP: 0x005ff110, ME: 0x005ff066
04-23 18:53:18.018  2808  2808 D debug   :
04-23 18:53:18.041  8650  8650 D WeChatFp [onActivityCreated]( activity
04-23 18:53:18.041  8650  8650 D WeChatFp [main]( Xposed plugin loaded version: 3.9.2
04-23 18:53:18.047  8650  8705 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
04-23 18:53:18.059  8650  8650 D WeChatFp [main]( WeChat Version code:1381
04-23 18:53:18.099  8650  8650 W SandHook-Native: JNI Loaded
04-23 18:53:18.106  8650  8650 E nougat_dlfcn: /system/lib/ not found in my userspace
04-23 18:53:18.110  1107  8648 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8650) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:18.113  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:18.113  8650  8650 E nougat_dlfcn: /system/lib/ not found in my userspace
04-23 18:53:18.113  8650  8650 V jni crash monitor: SignalHander Entered
04-23 18:53:18.113  8650  8650 V jni crash monitor: On Thread start.
04-23 18:53:18.125  8650  8650 I garryyan: 40 33004
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 I crash   : before unwind signal thread
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: Process:  
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: Crash Thread:       8650(total:49)
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: Date/Time:          2019-04-23 +8.00 18:53:18.116
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: Live Time:          1s
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: Device:             Pixel XL android-28
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: Exception info:
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: Siginfo:            errno:0, pid:0, uid:0, process:
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: Memory Info:        total:3765M rss:128M
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 I crash   : after unwind signal thread
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: Build fingerprint: google/marlin/marlin:Q/QPP2.190228.023/5433927:user/release-keys
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8650(main thread)  >>> <<<
04-23 18:53:18.126  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
04-23 18:53:18.185  1107  1491 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8650) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:18.187  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:18.198  8650  8650 I crash   : after dump thread backtrace
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x0  <unknown> (???)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0xb72b  /data/data/ (initHideApi+122)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0xa033  /data/data/ (Java_com_swift_sandhook_SandHook_initNative+26)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #03  pc 0xd519  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #04  pc 0x8bc5  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #05  pc 0x387617  /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+4294127862)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #06  pc 0x1120b  /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+4294127786)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #07  pc 0x156109  /apex/ (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+4294127896)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #08  pc 0x15128b  /apex/ (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Inst
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: uction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+4294128390)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #09  pc 0x37e8fb  /apex/ (MterpInvokeStatic+4294127930)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #10  pc 0x3994  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #11  pc 0xbcd7  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #12  pc 0x2d757  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #13  pc 0x26a7  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #14  pc 0x22f  /bionic/lib/ (malloc+4294799378)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #15  pc 0x6a823  /bionic/lib/ (__smakebuf+4294799446)
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 I crash   : after dump stack
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 I crash   : after dump jni exception
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 E jni crash monitor: GetCrashThreadJavaStack return null
04-23 18:53:18.199  8650  8650 I crash   : after java stack
04-23 18:53:18.286  8693  8693 W type=1400 audit(0.0:10705): avc: denied { read } for name="/" dev="debugfs" ino=1 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
04-23 18:53:18.425  8488  8521 I m.spotify.musi: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 800.033ms
04-23 18:53:18.476  8650  8711 I MMKV    : loading [brandService] with 0 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:18.477  8650  8711 I MMKV    : loaded [brandService] with 0 values
04-23 18:53:18.490  1107  8648 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8650) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:18.491  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:18.521   654   654 I zygote  : Ignoring open file descriptor 10
04-23 18:53:18.546  8764  8764 W main    : type=1400 audit(0.0:10706): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:apexd_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14073 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:apexd_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:18.556  8764  8764 E Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-23 18:53:18.556  8764  8764 V Riru    : xfingerprint_pay_alipay: forkAndSpecializePost
04-23 18:53:18.556  8764  8764 V Riru    : xfingerprint_pay_wechat: forkAndSpecializePost
04-23 18:53:18.556  8764  8764 V Riru    : location_report_enabler: forkAndSpecializePost
04-23 18:53:18.596  8764  8764 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-23 18:53:18.606  8764  8764 I chatty  : uid=10238 identical 2 lines
04-23 18:53:18.612  8764  8764 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-23 18:53:18.620  8764  8764 W ClassLoaderContext classpath element mismatch. expected=/product/framework/, found=/system/product/framework/ (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar*1256613519]{PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar*3447435217]}#PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar*3447435217]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*1766090030]#PCL[/product/framework/*3787301266]} | PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar*1256613519]{PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar*3447435217]}#PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar*3447435217]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*1766090030]#PCL[/system/product/framework/*3787301266]})
04-23 18:53:18.834  8764  8764 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-23 18:53:18.849  8764  8764 I Thread[1,tid=8764,Native,Thread*=0xef85de00,peer=0x71cc0288,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/data/app/"
04-23 18:53:18.852  8764  8764 I MMKV    : page size:4096
04-23 18:53:18.852  8764  8764 I MMKV    : root dir: /data/user/0/
04-23 18:53:18.852  8764  8764 I MMKV    : loading [prm_DeviceInfo_86400000] with 137 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:18.852  8764  8764 I MMKV    : loading [prm_DeviceInfo_86400000] with crc 591611549 sequence 4
04-23 18:53:18.852  8764  8764 I MMKV    : loaded [prm_DeviceInfo_86400000] with 7 values
04-23 18:53:18.855  8764  8764 I MMKV    : loading [MULTIPROCESSMMKV_PERSERVED_NAME] with 262 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:18.855  8764  8764 I MMKV    : loading [MULTIPROCESSMMKV_PERSERVED_NAME] with crc 2527413962 sequence 2
04-23 18:53:18.855  8764  8764 I MMKV    : loaded [MULTIPROCESSMMKV_PERSERVED_NAME] with 10 values
04-23 18:53:18.939  8650  8712 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with 5291 size in total, file size is 8192
04-23 18:53:18.939  8650  8712 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with crc 2426941898 sequence 9
04-23 18:53:18.939  8650  8712 I MMKV    : loaded [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with 42 values
04-23 18:53:18.954  1107  1124 D UsageStatsDatabase: endTime(1555990474313) <= beginTime(1556016736027)
04-23 18:53:18.956  8650  8712 I MMKV    : loading [_hellhound_mmkv] with 616 size in total, file size is 8192
04-23 18:53:18.956  8650  8712 I MMKV    : loading [_hellhound_mmkv] with crc 1443462454 sequence 89
04-23 18:53:18.956  8650  8712 I MMKV    : loaded [_hellhound_mmkv] with 5 values
04-23 18:53:19.013  8764  8764 I MMKV    : loading [sysinfo_258] with 0 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:19.013  8764  8764 I MMKV    : loaded [sysinfo_258] with 0 values
04-23 18:53:19.015  1107  8648 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8764) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:19.016  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:19.041   675   749 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] still: 100
04-23 18:53:19.088  8583  8626 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with 5291 size in total, file size is 8192
04-23 18:53:19.088  8583  8626 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with crc 2426941898 sequence 9
04-23 18:53:19.088  8583  8626 I MMKV    : loaded [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with 42 values
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 I crash   : after other threads
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8660  >>> thread:1 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15c9d  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+4294127696)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x4bd8c  [anon:libc_malloc] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8661  >>> thread:2 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15c9d  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+4294127696)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x10758c  [anon:libc_malloc] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8662  >>> thread:3 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15c9d  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+4294127696)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x10758c  [anon:libc_malloc] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8663  >>> thread:4 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15c9d  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+4294127696)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x10758c  [anon:libc_malloc] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8664  >>> thread:5 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15c9d  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+4294127696)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x10758c  [anon:libc_malloc] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8665  >>> thread:6 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c8e4  /bionic/lib/ (__rt_sigtimedwait+4294799372)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3e167  /bionic/lib/ (sigwait+4294799442)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x2e929f  /apex/ (art::SignalCatcher::WaitForSignal(art::Thread*, art::SignalSet&)+42
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: 4127874)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #03  pc 0x2e821d  /apex/ (art::SignalCatcher::Run(void*)+4294127804)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #04  pc 0x7c2ef  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #05  pc 0x36b83  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8676  >>> thread:7 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x2fb837  /apex/ (art::Thread::Park(bool, long long)+4294128074)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0xabb73  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8677  >>> thread:8 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15fbf  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::TimedWait(art::Thread*, long long, int)+4294127718)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0xfff0bdbc  <unknown> (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8678  >>> thread:9 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15c9d  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+4294127696)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8679  >>> thread:10 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15c9d  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+4294127696)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8680  >>> thread:11 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15c9d  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+4294127696)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8681  >>> thread:12 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c6f0  /bionic/lib/ (__ioctl+4294799368)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3b0a5  /bionic/lib/ (ioctl+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x89e5  /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadSta
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: e::talkWithDriver(bool)+4294762704)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #03  pc 0x8b35  /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+4294762504)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #04  pc 0x9123  /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+4294762534)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #05  pc 0x21ed5  /system/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #06  pc 0x3839  /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+4294926516)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #07  pc 0x297d  /system/lib/ (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+4294459476)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #08  pc 0x7c2ef  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #09  pc 0x36b83  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8682  >>> thread:13 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c6f0  /bionic/lib/ (__ioctl+4294799368)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3b0a5  /bionic/lib/ (ioctl+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x89e5  /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+4294762704)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #03  pc 0x8b35  /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+4294762504)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #04
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: c 0x9123  /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+4294762534)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #05  pc 0x21ed5  /system/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #06  pc 0x3839  /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+4294926516)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #07  pc 0x297d  /system/lib/ (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+4294459476)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #08  pc 0x7c2ef  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #09  pc 0x36b83  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8684  >>> thread:14 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15fbf  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::TimedWait(art::Thread*, long long, int)+4294127718)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0xf423c  <unknown> (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8686  >>> thread:15 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x3
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: 4  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8687  >>> thread:16 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8691  >>> thread:17 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8692  >>> thread:18 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8693  >>> thread:19 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8694  >>> thread:2
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:  <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8697  >>> thread:21 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8700  >>> thread:22 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15fbf  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::TimedWait(art::Thread*, long long, int)+4294127718)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x752c  <unknown> (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8705  >>> thread:23 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8707  >>> thread:24 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x15c9d  /apex/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+4294127696)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8708  >>> thread:25 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8709  >>> thread:26 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8710  >>> thread:27 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x547da  /apex/ (art::ClassTable::Lookup(char const*, unsigned int)+4294127917
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x29613  /apex/ (art::ClassLinker::LookupClass(art::Thread*, char const*, unsigned int, art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::ClassLoader>)+4294127730)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x2a0c1  /apex/ (art::ClassLinker::FindClass(art::Thread*, char const*, art::Handle<art::mirror::ClassLoader>)+4294127688)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #03  pc 0x1b773  /apex/ (art::ClassLinker::DoResolveType(art::dex::TypeIndex, art::Handle<art::mirror::DexCache>, art::Handle<art::mirror::ClassLoader>)+4294127738)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #04  pc 0x1ba93  /apex/ (art::ObjPtr<art::mirror::Class> art::ClassLinker::DoResolveType<art::ArtMethod*>(art::dex::TypeIndex, art::ArtMethod*)+4294127826)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #05  pc 0x153ec1  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #06  pc 0x382681  /apex/ (MterpConstClass+4294127636)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #07  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #08  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: 09  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #10  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #11  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #12  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #13  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #14  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #15  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #16  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #17  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #18  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #19  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #20  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #21  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #22  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #23  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #24  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #25  pc 0xf14  /
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #26  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #27  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #28  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #29  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #30  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #31  pc 0xf14  /apex/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8711  >>> thread:28 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x7ffe  <unknown> (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8712  >>> thread:29 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x7ffe  <unknown> (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8713  >>> thread:30 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x7ffe  <unknown> (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8715  >>> thread:31 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8716  >>> thread:32 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8717  >>> thread:33 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: 8725  >>> thread:34 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8727  >>> thread:35 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8728  >>> thread:36 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8729  >>> thread:37 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 87
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: 4  >>> thread:38 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c90  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8735  >>> thread:39 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8736  >>> thread:40 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8737  >>> thread:41 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8738  >>> thread:42 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x30c94  /bionic/lib/ (syscall+4294799392)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x35f97  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8740  >>> thread:43 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c6f0  /bionic/lib/ (__ioctl+4294799368)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3b0a5  /bionic/lib/ (ioctl+4294799388)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x89e5  /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+4294762704)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #03  pc 0x8b35  /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+4294762504)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #04  pc 0x9123  /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+4294762534)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #05  pc 0x21ed5  /system/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #06  pc 0x3839  /system/lib/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+4294926516)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #07  pc 0x297d  /system/lib/ (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+4294459476)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #08  pc 0x7c2ef  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #09  pc 0x36b83  /bionic/lib/ (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8742  >>> thread:44 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/l
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: b/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8744  >>> thread:45 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8746  >>> thread:46 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8750  >>> thread:47 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #02  pc 0x364  [anon:.bss] (???)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8751  >>> thread:48 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: get the stack fail
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** **
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:  *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8752  >>> thread:49 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash: pid: 8650, tid: 8753  >>> thread:50 <<<
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #00  pc 0x6c5b4  /bionic/lib/ (__epoll_pwait+4294799380)
04-23 18:53:19.104  8650  8650 F MicroMsg_Crash:   #01  pc 0x3f319  /bionic/lib/ (epoll_wait+4294799376)
04-23 18:53:19.115   645  8822 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (101,<unspecified>/0)
04-23 18:53:19.173  1107  8648 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #17
04-23 18:53:19.178  1107  1139 W libprocessgroup: kill(-7559, 9) failed: No such process
04-23 18:53:19.221  1107  1139 W libprocessgroup: kill(-7559, 9) failed: No such process
04-23 18:53:19.255  5438  5474 D ShizukuServerV3: onProcessDied: pid=7559, uid=10176
04-23 18:53:19.256   653   653 I Zygote  : Process 7559 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
04-23 18:53:19.264  1107  1139 W libprocessgroup: kill(-7559, 9) failed: No such process
04-23 18:53:19.264  1107  1139 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10176 pid 7559 in 86ms
04-23 18:53:19.313  8650  8650 I crash   : after dump registers
04-23 18:53:19.343  8650  8650 I crash   : after dump memory and code
04-23 18:53:19.343  8650  8650 I crash   : before dump maps
04-23 18:53:19.349  8764  8764 W jni crash monitor: JNI_OnLoad
04-23 18:53:19.391  1107  1491 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8650) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:19.394  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:19.442  1107  8648 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8650) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:19.450  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:19.505  1107  1491 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8650) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:19.508  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:19.547  8650  8841 I NLog    : Load NLog 1.3
04-23 18:53:19.558  1107  1491 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8650) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:19.559  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:19.561  1107  1124 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8650) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:19.562  1677  2221 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:19.563  1107  7289 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8650) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:19.564  1677  2221 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:19.579  8650  8708 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
04-23 18:53:19.583  8650  8841 I NLog    : NLog Start...
04-23 18:53:19.590  8650  8847 I NLog    : NLog thread start...
04-23 18:53:19.590  8650  8847 E NLog    : Call Read,Queue is null!!!!
04-23 18:53:19.590  8650  8847 I NLog    : Thread wait read...
04-23 18:53:19.627  8650  8650 I crash   : after dump maps
04-23 18:53:19.629  8650  8650 V jni crash monitor: On Thread end.
04-23 18:53:19.636  8650  8650 V jni crash monitor: GenerateDump done!
04-23 18:53:19.636  8650  8650 F libc    : exiting due to SIG_DFL handler for signal 11
04-23 18:53:19.636  8650  8650 V jni crash monitor: SignalHander Entered
04-23 18:53:19.636  8650  8650 V jni crash monitor: SignalHander Internal Crashed!
04-23 18:53:19.667  1107  5196 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 8650) has died: fore TOP
04-23 18:53:19.668  1107  1139 W libprocessgroup: kill(-8650, 9) failed: No such process
04-23 18:53:19.669  1107  1402 W InputDispatcher: channel 'e99ee4f (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
04-23 18:53:19.669  1107  1402 E InputDispatcher: channel 'e99ee4f (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
04-23 18:53:19.674   654   654 I Zygote  : Process 8650 exited due to signal 6 (Aborted)
04-23 18:53:19.675  1107  1491 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{e99ee4f u0}
04-23 18:53:19.675  1107  1491 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel 'e99ee4f (server)'
04-23 18:53:19.689  1107  5196 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service in 4000ms
04-23 18:53:19.691  5438  5474 D ShizukuServerV3: onProcessDied: pid=8650, uid=10238
04-23 18:53:19.692  1107  5196 W ActivityTaskManager: Force removing ActivityRecord{960a34a u0 t4443}: app died, no saved state
04-23 18:53:19.708  1107  1164 E system_server: Invalid ID 0x00000000.
04-23 18:53:19.711  1107  1139 W libprocessgroup: kill(-8650, 9) failed: No such process
04-23 18:53:19.711  1107  1139 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10238 pid 8650 in 42ms
04-23 18:53:19.711  1107  1162 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 8650
04-23 18:53:19.720   654   654 I zygote  : Ignoring open file descriptor 10
04-23 18:53:19.728   654   654 D Zygote  : Forked child process 8850
04-23 18:53:19.730  1107  1136 I ActivityManager: Start proc for activity
04-23 18:53:19.741  2808  2808 D debug   :
04-23 18:53:19.749  8850  8850 W main    : type=1400 audit(0.0:10771): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:apexd_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14073 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:apexd_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:19.749  8850  8850 W main    : type=1400 audit(0.0:10772): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:bluetooth_log_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14075 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:bluetooth_log_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:19.749  8850  8850 W main    : type=1400 audit(0.0:10773): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14076 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:bluetooth_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:19.749  8850  8850 W main    : type=1400 audit(0.0:10774): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:bootloader_boot_reason_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14077 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:bootloader_boot_reason_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:19.749  8850  8850 W main    : type=1400 audit(0.0:10775): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:boottime_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14078 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:boottime_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:19.760  8850  8850 E Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-23 18:53:19.760  8850  8850 V Riru    : xfingerprint_pay_alipay: forkAndSpecializePost
04-23 18:53:19.760  8850  8850 V Riru    : xfingerprint_pay_wechat: forkAndSpecializePost
04-23 18:53:19.834  8850  8850 D WeChatFp [main]( Xposed plugin init version: 3.9.2
04-23 18:53:19.835  8850  8850 V Riru    : location_report_enabler: forkAndSpecializePost
04-23 18:53:19.876  8850  8850 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-23 18:53:19.877  5438  5474 D ShizukuServerV3: onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=8850, uid=10238, foregroundActivities=true
04-23 18:53:19.878  5438  5474 D ShizukuServerV3: onActive: uid=10238, packages=[]
04-23 18:53:19.880  8850  8850 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-23 18:53:19.883  8850  8850 I chatty  : uid=10238( identical 1 line
04-23 18:53:19.886  8850  8850 I The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-23 18:53:19.892  8850  8850 W ClassLoaderContext classpath element mismatch. expected=/product/framework/, found=/system/product/framework/ (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar*1256613519]{PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar*3447435217]}#PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar*3447435217]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*1766090030]#PCL[/product/framework/*3787301266]} | PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java.jar*1256613519]{PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar*3447435217]}#PCL[/system/framework/android.hidl.base-V1.0-java.jar*3447435217]#PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar*1766090030]#PCL[/system/product/framework/*3787301266]})
04-23 18:53:19.926   645  8870 E ResolverController: No valid NAT64 prefix (101,<unspecified>/0)
04-23 18:53:19.998  8850  8850 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-23 18:53:20.002  8850  8850 I Thread[1,tid=8850,Native,Thread*=0xef85de00,peer=0x71cc0288,"main"] recursive attempt to load library "/data/app/"
04-23 18:53:20.002  8850  8850 I MMKV    : page size:4096
04-23 18:53:20.002  8850  8850 I MMKV    : root dir: /data/user/0/
04-23 18:53:20.003  8850  8850 I MMKV    : loading [prm_DeviceInfo_86400000] with 137 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:20.003  8850  8850 I MMKV    : loading [prm_DeviceInfo_86400000] with crc 591611549 sequence 4
04-23 18:53:20.003  8850  8850 I MMKV    : loaded [prm_DeviceInfo_86400000] with 7 values
04-23 18:53:20.004  8850  8850 I MMKV    : loading [MULTIPROCESSMMKV_PERSERVED_NAME] with 262 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:20.004  8850  8850 I MMKV    : loading [MULTIPROCESSMMKV_PERSERVED_NAME] with crc 2527413962 sequence 2
04-23 18:53:20.004  8850  8850 I MMKV    : loaded [MULTIPROCESSMMKV_PERSERVED_NAME] with 10 values
04-23 18:53:20.078  8850  8885 I FA      : App measurement is starting up, version: 12451
04-23 18:53:20.078  8850  8885 I FA      : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
04-23 18:53:20.078  8850  8885 I FA      : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
04-23 18:53:20.078  8850  8885 I FA      :   adb shell setprop
04-23 18:53:20.097  8850  8888 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-23 18:53:20.199  8850  8885 I FA      : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used
04-23 18:53:20.230  8850  8850 W jni crash monitor: JNI_OnLoad
04-23 18:53:20.362  8850  8850 I VFS.FileSystemManager: Static environment:
04-23 18:53:20.362  8850  8850 I VFS.FileSystemManager:   extCache => /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
04-23 18:53:20.362  8850  8850 I VFS.FileSystemManager:   data => /data/user/0/
04-23 18:53:20.362  8850  8850 I VFS.FileSystemManager:   extData => /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
04-23 18:53:20.362  8850  8850 I VFS.FileSystemManager:   storage => /storage/emulated/0
04-23 18:53:20.362  8850  8850 I VFS.FileSystemManager:   dataCache => /data/user/0/
04-23 18:53:20.362  8850  8850 I VFS.FileSystemManager: File system configuration changed:
04-23 18:53:20.362  8850  8850 I VFS.FileSystemManager: [CLEAN ALL]
04-23 18:53:20.407  1571  1571 D zz      : UtWallpaperService$UtEngine.onVisibilityChanged() false
04-23 18:53:20.423  1571  1571 D zz      : UtRenderer.onNotVisible()
04-23 18:53:20.445  2808  2808 D debug   :
04-23 18:53:20.463  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (1/11) CursorWindow...
04-23 18:53:20.463  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/CursorWindow natives
04-23 18:53:20.463  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (2/11) FileUtils...
04-23 18:53:20.463  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/FileUtils natives
04-23 18:53:20.463  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (3/11) ChunkedCursorWindow...
04-23 18:53:20.463  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/database/ChunkedCursorWindow natives
04-23 18:53:20.463  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteAsyncQuery natives
04-23 18:53:20.463  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (4/11) SQLiteConnection...
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (5/11) SQLiteDebug...
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDebug natives
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (6/11) SQLiteDirectCursor...
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteDirectQuery natives
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (7/11) SQLiteGlobal...
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/database/SQLiteGlobal natives
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (8/11) DBBackup...
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/BackupKit natives
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RecoverKit natives
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (9/11) DBDumpUtil...
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/DBDumpUtil natives
04-23 18:53:20.464  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (10/11) DBRepair...
04-23 18:53:20.465  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/repair/RepairKit$RepairCursor natives
04-23 18:53:20.465  8850  8900 I WCDB    : Initialize JNI module (11/11) Log...
04-23 18:53:20.465  8850  8900 V WCDB.JNIHelp: Registering com/tencent/wcdb/support/Log natives
04-23 18:53:20.529  8850  8900 E No implementation found for java.util.ArrayList com.tencent.mars.smc.SmcLogic.getLoadLibraries() (tried Java_com_tencent_mars_smc_SmcLogic_getLoadLibraries and Java_com_tencent_mars_smc_SmcLogic_getLoadLibraries__)
04-23 18:53:20.563  8084  8530 I Finsky  : [147] njh.a(37): Started reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As].
04-23 18:53:20.592  8850  8888 I Adreno  : QUALCOMM build                   : 358ff7d, I19cfb9d852
04-23 18:53:20.592  8850  8888 I Adreno  : Build Date                       : 11/29/18
04-23 18:53:20.592  8850  8888 I Adreno  : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.25.15.00
04-23 18:53:20.592  8850  8888 I Adreno  : Local Branch                     :
04-23 18:53:20.592  8850  8888 I Adreno  : Remote Branch                    :
04-23 18:53:20.592  8850  8888 I Adreno  : Remote Branch                    :
04-23 18:53:20.592  8850  8888 I Adreno  : Reconstruct Branch               :
04-23 18:53:20.592  8850  8888 I Adreno  : Build Config                     : S L 4.0.10 AArch32
04-23 18:53:20.596  8850  8888 I Adreno  : PFP: 0x005ff110, ME: 0x005ff066
04-23 18:53:20.600  8850  8888 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
04-23 18:53:20.613  2808  2808 D debug   :
04-23 18:53:20.639   467   467 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
04-23 18:53:20.639  8850  8888 W Gralloc3: mapper 3.x is not supported
04-23 18:53:20.673   674   674 D QCOM PowerHAL: LAUNCH HINT: OFF
04-23 18:53:20.688  1107  6355 E InputDispatcher: Window handle Window{f27e7b8 u0 Splash Screen} has no registered input channel
04-23 18:53:20.700  1107  1129 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed +4s754ms
04-23 18:53:20.747  8084  8530 I Finsky  : [147] njh.a(38): Finished reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As].
04-23 18:53:20.768  1107  1491 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:20.774  5438  5474 D ShizukuServerV3: onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=2838, uid=10089, foregroundActivities=false
04-23 18:53:20.776  1677  2221 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:20.777  2861  3183 I PBSessionCacheImpl: Deleted sessionId[12584367084955378] from persistence.
04-23 18:53:20.830  8084  8530 I Finsky  : [147] njo.b(134): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package
04-23 18:53:20.841  8084  8529 I Finsky  : [146] njo.b(1): Triggered update for experiment package
04-23 18:53:20.880  1107  6355 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:20.885  1677  2221 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:20.957  2861  3182 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached.
04-23 18:53:20.969  2861  3182 I StreamController: cleanUpControllerScope(nowcards-15-c58f-9a9e)
04-23 18:53:21.080  8850  8895 I MMKV    : loading [brandService] with 0 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:21.080  8850  8895 I MMKV    : loaded [brandService] with 0 values
04-23 18:53:21.090  2070  6485 I LocationReportEnabler: android::base::GetProperty: gsm.sim.operator.numeric -> 310030
04-23 18:53:21.128  1107  1124 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:21.130  1677  2221 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:21.342  2070  2381 I LocationReportEnabler: android::base::GetProperty: gsm.sim.operator.numeric -> 310030
04-23 18:53:21.455  8850  8900 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with 5291 size in total, file size is 8192
04-23 18:53:21.455  8850  8900 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with crc 2426941898 sequence 9
04-23 18:53:21.455  8850  8900 I MMKV    : loaded [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with 42 values
04-23 18:53:21.469  8850  8900 I MMKV    : loading [_hellhound_mmkv] with 691 size in total, file size is 8192
04-23 18:53:21.469  8850  8900 I MMKV    : loading [_hellhound_mmkv] with crc 3723565986 sequence 89
04-23 18:53:21.469  8850  8900 I MMKV    : loaded [_hellhound_mmkv] with 5 values
04-23 18:53:21.608  8764  8810 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with 5291 size in total, file size is 8192
04-23 18:53:21.608  8764  8810 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with crc 2426941898 sequence 9
04-23 18:53:21.608  8764  8810 I MMKV    : loaded [1971839425_WxExptmmkv] with 42 values
04-23 18:53:21.836  1107  1620 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:21.840  1677  2221 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:21.850  1107  6355 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:21.852  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:21.886  8764  8979 E libc    : Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
04-23 18:53:21.886  8764  8979 E libc    : Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
04-23 18:53:21.883  8979  8979 W mars::stn: type=1400 audit(0.0:10836): avc: denied { read } for name="route" dev="proc" ino=4026532387 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_net:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:21.883  8979  8979 W mars::stn: type=1400 audit(0.0:10837): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:net_dns_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14134 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:net_dns_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:21.904  1107  1620 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:21.907  1677  2221 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:21.925  8850  8899 I MMKV    : loading [pref_MMBitmapFactory_dyncfg] with 0 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:21.926  8850  8899 I MMKV    : loaded [pref_MMBitmapFactory_dyncfg] with 0 values
04-23 18:53:21.936  1107  1620 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:21.937  1677  2221 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:22.014  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loading [UPDATELOG] with 217990 size in total, file size is 262144
04-23 18:53:22.020  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loading [UPDATELOG] with crc 3527256790 sequence 25
04-23 18:53:22.020  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loaded [UPDATELOG] with 1 values
04-23 18:53:22.023  8850  8988 I NLog    : Load NLog 1.3
04-23 18:53:22.038  8850  8988 I NLog    : NLog Start...
04-23 18:53:22.050  8850  9002 I NLog    : NLog thread start...
04-23 18:53:22.050  8850  9002 E NLog    : Call Read,Queue is null!!!!
04-23 18:53:22.050  8850  9002 I NLog    : Thread wait read...
04-23 18:53:22.094  8850  8988 E NATIVE_LOG: NLogInit succeeded
04-23 18:53:22.102   653   653 I zygote64: Ignoring open file descriptor 30
04-23 18:53:22.117  1107  8849 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { (has extras) } to from pid=8439 uid=10100 startFg?=false
04-23 18:53:22.147  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loading [XWEB.CMDCFG] with 628 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:22.147  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loading [XWEB.CMDCFG] with crc 1189820521 sequence 6
04-23 18:53:22.147  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loaded [XWEB.CMDCFG] with 8 values
04-23 18:53:22.158  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loading [INIT_SP_TAG_WV_KIND_SYSLOAD_CORE] with 2281 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:22.158  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loading [INIT_SP_TAG_WV_KIND_SYSLOAD_CORE] with crc 2044939701 sequence 4
04-23 18:53:22.158  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loaded [INIT_SP_TAG_WV_KIND_SYSLOAD_CORE] with 3 values
04-23 18:53:22.159  9015  9015 W mars::stn: type=1400 audit(0.0:10839): avc: denied { read } for name="route" dev="proc" ino=4026532387 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_net:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:22.163  9015  9015 W mars::stn: type=1400 audit(0.0:10840): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:net_dns_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=14134 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:net_dns_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
04-23 18:53:22.164   653   653 D Zygote  : Forked child process 9020
04-23 18:53:22.165  8764  9015 E libc    : Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
04-23 18:53:22.166  8764  9015 E libc    : Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
04-23 18:53:22.166  1107  1136 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 100ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
04-23 18:53:22.166  1107  1136 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 100ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
04-23 18:53:22.166  1107  1136 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 100ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message
04-23 18:53:22.166  1107  1136 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
04-23 18:53:22.166  1107  1136 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 100ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
04-23 18:53:22.167  1107  1136 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 100ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
04-23 18:53:22.176  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loading [INIT_SP_TAG_WV_KIND_SYSCREATE_WEBVIEW] with 1341 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:22.176  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loading [INIT_SP_TAG_WV_KIND_SYSCREATE_WEBVIEW] with crc 1377835409 sequence 30
04-23 18:53:22.176  8850  8898 I MMKV    : loaded [INIT_SP_TAG_WV_KIND_SYSCREATE_WEBVIEW] with 3 values
04-23 18:53:22.184  8764  8998 E libc    : Access denied finding property "net.dns1"
04-23 18:53:22.184  8764  8998 E libc    : Access denied finding property "net.dns2"
04-23 18:53:22.193  2070  3857 W ctxmgr  : [PendingIntentCompat]Timed out delivering to pendingIntent=PendingIntent{c0f2f40: android.os.BinderProxy@93df4fb}, intent=Intent { (has extras) }, permission=null [CONTEXT service_id=47 ]
04-23 18:53:22.219  8850  8898 I WebViewFactory: Loading version 74.0.3702.2 (code 370200257)
04-23 18:53:22.243  9020  9020 E twitter.androi: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-23 18:53:22.244  9020  9020 V Riru    : xfingerprint_pay_alipay: forkAndSpecializePost
04-23 18:53:22.244  9020  9020 V Riru    : xfingerprint_pay_wechat: forkAndSpecializePost
04-23 18:53:22.244  9020  9020 V Riru    : location_report_enabler: forkAndSpecializePost
04-23 18:53:22.299  8850  9053 I MMKV    : loading [system_config_prefs] with 950 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:22.299  8850  9053 I MMKV    : loading [system_config_prefs] with crc 1888244833 sequence 2
04-23 18:53:22.299  8850  9053 I MMKV    : loaded [system_config_prefs] with 6 values
04-23 18:53:22.317  8850  8898 I Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker
04-23 18:53:22.350  1107  6355 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:22.356  1677  2221 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:22.361  1107  8849 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:22.364  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:22.366  1107  8647 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:22.367  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:22.367  8850  8897 W Settings: Setting android_id has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
04-23 18:53:22.386  1107  8849 W DevicePolicyManager: Package (uid=10238, pid=8850) cannot access Device IDs
04-23 18:53:22.387  1677  2347 W TelephonyPermissions:
04-23 18:53:22.430  9020  9020 I twitter.androi: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-23 18:53:22.443  8850  8899 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-23 18:53:22.452  8850  8899 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-23 18:53:22.453  8850  9064 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-23 18:53:22.461  1677  2347 W SmsApplication: Package lacks required manifest declarations to be a default sms app:  mPackageName: mSmsReceiverClass: mMmsReceiverClass: mRespondViaMessageClass: null mSendToClass: mSmsAppChangedClass: null mProviderChangedReceiverClass: null mSimFullReceiverClass: null mUid: 10061
04-23 18:53:22.490  9020  9020 I twitter.androi: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-23 18:53:22.529  9020  9020 I twitter.androi: The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
04-23 18:53:22.530  8850  9065 I MMKV    : loading [emoji_stg] with 1801 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:22.530  8850  9065 I MMKV    : loading [emoji_stg] with crc 1947178448 sequence 2
04-23 18:53:22.530  8850  9065 I MMKV    : loaded [emoji_stg] with 4 values
04-23 18:53:22.556  8850  8863 I Background young concurrent copying GC freed 350416(21MB) AllocSpace objects, 51(1136KB) LOS objects, 61% free, 15MB/39MB, paused 83us total 801.497ms
04-23 18:53:22.557  8850  8898 I WaitForGcToComplete blocked ClassLinker on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 239.873ms
04-23 18:53:22.566  8850  8898 I cr_LibraryLoader: Time to load native libraries: 3 ms (timestamps 1952-1955)
04-23 18:53:22.572  8850  8898 I chromium: [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
04-23 18:53:22.573  8850  8898 I cr_LibraryLoader: Expected native library version number "74.0.3702.2", actual native library version number "74.0.3702.2"
04-23 18:53:22.660  8850  8850 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxPageFlow] with 3677 size in total, file size is 4096
04-23 18:53:22.660  8850  8850 I MMKV    : loading [1971839425_WxPageFlow] with crc 1487276592 sequence 2
04-23 18:53:22.660  8850  8850 I MMKV    : loaded [1971839425_WxPageFlow] with 0 values
04-23 18:53:22.679  9020  9020 W twitter.androi: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-23 18:53:22.680  9020  9020 I chatty  : uid=10154( identical 2 lines
04-23 18:53:22.680  9020  9020 W twitter.androi: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exits.
04-23 18:53:22.725  2808  2808 D debug   :
04-23 18:53:22.725   675   749 I nanohub : osLog: [AR_CHRE] still: 100
04-23 18:53:22.738  5438  5474 D ShizukuServerV3: onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=2838, uid=10089, foregroundActivities=true
04-23 18:53:22.777  2322  7350 I CastDatabase: Opening the database
04-23 18:53:22.779  2861  2861 W ThreadPoolDumper: Queue length for executor EventBus is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small.
04-23 18:53:22.796  1107  8849 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing service from pid=8488, uid=10162 that is not exported from uid 10141
04-23 18:53:22.806  1107  1648 D UsageStatsDatabase: endTime(1555990474313) <= beginTime(1556016797977)
04-23 18:53:22.808  2861  3182 E PBSessionCacheImpl: sessionId[12584367084955391] not persisted.
04-23 18:53:22.812  1571  1571 D zz      : UtWallpaperService$UtEngine.onVisibilityChanged() true
04-23 18:53:22.819  2808  2808 D debug   :
04-23 18:53:22.835  1571  1571 D zz      : UtRenderer.onVisible()
04-23 18:53:22.838  1571  1571 V zz      : WeatherManager.doGet() get already in progress, aborting
04-23 18:53:22.839  1571  1571 V zz      : SunriseUtil.doGet() get already in progress, aborting
04-23 18:53:22.895  1107  8647 I WifiService: startScan uid=10128
04-23 18:53:22.917  2322  2322 I DiscoveryManager: WifiGuestModeDeviceScanner enabled.
04-23 18:53:23.025  2861  3182 I StreamController: registerScope: nowcards-15-c58f-9a9e
04-23 18:53:23.095  2322  7350 I SQLiteCastStore: 0 CastNetworkInfo instances loaded, 1 CastDeviceInfo instances loaded, 0 paired guest mode devices loaded.
04-23 18:53:23.095  2322  7350 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(CC32E753) scannerFlags(2)
04-23 18:53:23.098  2322  7350 I CastDatabase: CastDeviceInfo created: V_f7ed4df4-4aec-4a5d-9744-b7fbacf60eb6
04-23 18:53:23.125  8084  8529 I Finsky  : [146] njo.b(134): Already at the latest configurations for experiment package
04-23 18:53:23.126  1496  1514 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
04-23 18:53:23.126  1496  1514 I chatty  : uid=10088( FinalizerDaemon identical 5 lines
04-23 18:53:23.126  1496  1514 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
04-23 18:53:23.127  1496  1512 I ndroid.systemu: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 6530(399KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 6089KB/11MB, paused 74us total 281.292ms
04-23 18:53:23.177  1107  8849 I WifiService: startScan uid=10128
04-23 18:53:23.192  2322  7350 E DeviceScanner: [BLE] Failed to start scan because the Bluetooth is disabled.
04-23 18:53:23.193  2322  7350 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info.
04-23 18:53:23.210  2322  7350 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info.
04-23 18:53:23.214  2615  2615 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Handling ACTION_START_DSP_HOTWORD
04-23 18:53:23.227   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Enter
04-23 18:53:23.227   660   795 D sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_is_session_allowed: stdev->audio_concurrency_active 0 session_allowed 1
04-23 18:53:23.227   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: get_confidence_levels_payload: No smlib for uuid, sending opaque data
04-23 18:53:23.227   660   795 D sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_send_hwmad_cal: previous acdb_id 128 new acdb_id 128, sw_mad 0 return
04-23 18:53:23.227   660   795 D sound_trigger_platform: platform_stdev_send_calibration: sending afe calibration for device(1) acdb_id(128)
04-23 18:53:23.227   660   795 I ACDB-LOADER: ACDB AFE returned = -19
04-23 18:53:23.227   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: sound_trigger_set_device: enable device (1) = listen-cpe-handset-mic
04-23 18:53:23.227   660   795 D audio_route: Apply path: listen-cpe-handset-mic
04-23 18:53:23.256   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_reg_sm_params:[1] Enter
04-23 18:53:23.258   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: configure_lab: media_cfg format=0, packing=1, events=0, mode=1
04-23 18:53:23.275  2322  7350 E DeviceScanner: [BLE] Failed to start scan because the Bluetooth is disabled.
04-23 18:53:23.289  2322  7350 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info.
04-23 18:53:23.295   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_reg_sm_params:[1] Exit, status=0
04-23 18:53:23.295   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: reg_hal_event_session: ST_EVENT_SESSION_REGISTER capture_handle 54 pcm 0xe8d7b000
04-23 18:53:23.295   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_start:[1] Enter
04-23 18:53:23.300   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: cpe_start:[1] Exit, status=0
04-23 18:53:23.300   660   795 D sound_trigger_hw: stdev_start_recognition:[1] Exit status 0
04-23 18:53:23.301  1107  6355 I SoundTriggerHelper: startRecognition successful.
04-23 18:53:23.302  2615  2615 I GsaVoiceInteractionSrv: Start Hotword Recognition Status: true
04-23 18:53:23.308  9020  9020 D SplitCompat: FileStorage: initializing (files directory = /data/user/0/, versionCode = 17930105)
04-23 18:53:23.315  5438  5474 D ShizukuServerV3: onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=8850, uid=10238, foregroundActivities=false
04-23 18:53:23.342  2322  7350 W DatabaseProcessor: processLocalDevices: failed to get the network info.
04-23 18:53:23.386  1107  8647 I WifiService: acquireMulticastLock uid=10128
04-23 18:53:23.397  1107  1620 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent { act=com.tencent.soter.soterserver.ISoterService pkg=com.tencent.soter.soterserver } U=0: not found
04-23 18:53:23.448  1107  4798 D OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
04-23 18:53:23.493  9020  9020 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
04-23 18:53:23.493  9020  9020 I MultiDex: Installing application
04-23 18:53:23.493  9020  9020 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
04-23 18:53:23.589  8488  8891 E Spotify : [OkHttp] sp://webgate/v1/token responded with an error: 39, ap_network_disabled
04-23 18:53:23.589  8488  8891 E Spotify : [OkHttp] Could not retrieve access token for a webgate request: GET
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify : [RxCachedThreadScheduler-3] Could not cache ABBA values
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify : java.lang.NullPointerException: The mapper function returned a null value.
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at acjq.a(SourceFile:39)
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at acrk.onNext(SourceFile:57)
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at io.reactivex.internal.observers.DeferredScalarDisposable.b(SourceFile:82)
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleToObservable$SingleToObservableObserver.b_(SourceFile:72)
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleObserveOn$
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
04-23 18:53:23.618  8488  9105 E Spotify :      at
04-23 18:53:23.727  9020  9020 D FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
04-23 18:53:23.729  9020  9020 D FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
04-23 18:53:23.730  9020  9020 D FirebaseApp: is not linked. Skipping initialization.
04-23 18:53:23.730  9020  9020 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful
04-23 18:53:23.763  8488  8488 W Settings: Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
04-23 18:53:23.768  9020  9020 I CrashlyticsInitProvider: CrashlyticsInitProvider skipping initialization
04-23 18:53:24.025  2070  6485 I LocationReportEnabler: android::base::GetProperty: gsm.sim.operator.numeric -> 310030
04-23 18:53:24.046  1107  1119 I system_server: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 210902(8534KB) AllocSpace objects, 83(4676KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 23MB/40MB, paused 183us total 518.846ms
04-23 18:53:24.066  1107  1121 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
04-23 18:53:24.212  8488  8580 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
04-23 18:53:24.227  8488  9079 E Spotify : [RxCachedThreadScheduler-2] sp://webgate/v1/token responded with an error: 39, ap_network_disabled
04-23 18:53:24.227  8488  9079 E Spotify : [RxCachedThreadScheduler-2] Could not retrieve access token for a webgate request: POST
04-23 18:53:24.247  2322  9102 I DiscoveryManager: Filter criteria(null) scannerFlags(0)
04-23 18:53:24.260  1107  5196 I WifiService: releaseMulticastLock uid=10128
04-23 18:53:24.473  9020  9126 W twitter.androi: Verification of void took 162.762ms
04-23 18:53:24.479  9020  9020 D libcrashlytics: Initializing libcrashlytics version 2.0.5
04-23 18:53:24.489  9020  9020 D libcrashlytics: Initializing native crash handling successful.
04-23 18:53:24.717  9020  9020 I CrashlyticsCore: Initializing Crashlytics
04-23 18:53:24.781  8488  9085 E Spotify : [OkHttp] sp://webgate/v1/token responded with an error: 39, ap_network_disabled
04-23 18:53:24.781  8488  9085 E Spotify : [OkHttp] Could not retrieve access token for a webgate request: POST
04-23 18:53:24.818  8488  9103 E Spotify : [OkHttp] sp://webgate/v1/token responded with an error: 39, ap_network_disabled
04-23 18:53:24.819  8488  9103 E Spotify : [OkHttp] Could not retrieve access token for a webgate request: GET
04-23 18:53:24.837  8488  9107 E Spotify : [OkHttp] sp://webgate/v1/token responded with an error: 39, ap_network_disabled
04-23 18:53:24.838  8488  9107 E Spotify : [OkHttp] Could not retrieve access token for a webgate request: GET
eritpchy commented 5 years ago

看起来是Sandhook的问题, 我过几天弄个不用hook的版本

Mystery00 commented 5 years ago

@eritpchy ok,感谢

x6326630 commented 5 years ago

和Mystery00 一样,我也遇到同样的问题: 系统:Pixel 2 XL(Android 9) Magisk版本:V19.0 Riru Core版本:V18 微信版本:谷歌Play 7.0.3 微信支付 - 微信版本:v3.9.2

eritpchy commented 5 years ago

@x6326630 其他magisk指纹插件是否能正常使用?

young-zy commented 5 years ago

相同问题: play版微信7.0.3, 系统:OOS Beta16(andoid 9) 具体现象为打开微信黑屏,但可操作状态栏和回到桌面。


k1l1anzz commented 5 years ago

相同问题,弹出微信崩溃对话框 play版微信7.0.3 系统:魔趣9.0 magisk:18.1

eritpchy commented 5 years ago

fixed in 3.9.3