erkle64 / FoundryModManager

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Guide for writing and adding local mods to the mod manager #5

Open seertenedos opened 4 weeks ago

seertenedos commented 4 weeks ago

Not exactly the responsibility of the mode manager but any chance of a guide for getting started with writing mods for foundry and having your locally written mod show up in your local mod manager instance? It could help developers like myself get our own mods started and eventually lead to more mods being published and added to this mod manager.

I am a dotnet developer but not a game developer so it has been a little challenging working out where to start. other games have starting projects or templates that make it easier but this one does not.

erkle64 commented 4 weeks ago

I've updated the readme on the GitHub page of Foundry Mod Manager to include a link to Unfoundry and UnfoundryStart, and instructions for using local repositories.

UnfoundryStart is a template project for making mods using Unfoundry. It will install the mod automatically when you build the project, so adding it to the mod manager isn't needed until you want to release the mod.

I'm not the kind of person that can write good documentation, so general documentation on modding FOUNDRY is a bit beyond my abilities. Hopefully others will take that job.

seertenedos commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks that was a great help as when i tried to build the other mods written by you and others they were not building even when i set the paths right. Kept having an invalid assembly.cs file auto generated or something. I know it is a little off topic of the mod manager but is there anywhere to ask for guidance with the mod? I wanted to work on adding a new building to the game based on existing assets but change functionality a little but i am not sure if it is possible or how as none of the current modes seem to add new buildings to the game

erkle64 commented 4 weeks ago

I haven't been able to add buildings directly through modding. it involves creating a prefab in Unity and I haven't been able to extract the project well enough to be able to do it.

Instead what people have been doing is using my Tweakificator mod to clone and then modify existing buildings. The ProcessBuildingAdditions method contains the code I've used for that.

If you want to use Tweakificator to do it, there's examples at FRK_Hydrogen adds a hydrogen generator, based on the turbine, with a custom texture.

There's also a few other modders in the modding channel on the Foundry discord server that might be able to help.

seertenedos commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks i will have a look. I wanted to build building to sort of function as a bus either by being a very long storage container but with capacity restriction or some sort of special belt. Dislike the huge number of belts in the middle of base and the mess it makes