erkutaras / ShowcaseView

ShowcaseView library for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Listen to when showcase dismisses #14

Closed tjohnn closed 5 years ago

tjohnn commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to listen to it when user clicks on the button and the showcase is dismissed? I want to take some action on complete.

tjohnn commented 5 years ago

Okay I think listening to onresume in activity or fragment works for now, but it would be nice to have a non-hacky way like this

erkutaras commented 5 years ago

Showcase works with new Activity creation. Unfortunately, because of this, you cann't initialize any listener to listen dismisses. On the other hand, after your issue, I started to create Showcase with activityForResult with ShowcaseManager.REQUEST_CODE_SHOWCASE in new version(1.3.0) of the library. If you override onActivityResult, you can listen showcase dismisses. In my opinion, this is also hacky solution :)

I updated readme file to listen also, thanks for your support.