erlang / erlide_eclipse

Eclipse IDE for Erlang
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Cannot install erlide #355

Open fowlay opened 1 year ago

fowlay commented 1 year ago

I am having a problem when trying to install erlide from -

JDK version: openjdk version "11.0.1" 2018-10-16 Eclipse version: 2.3.1300.v20230302-0300

What I get is this,

Unable to read repository at Unable to read repository at Certificate for doesn't match any of the subject alternative names: [,,,,, *,]

vladdu commented 1 year ago

That's weird. Browsers can view the compositeContent.xml file, and say the certificate is ok. There have been no changes about this that I am aware of, maybe something changes on the github side? Hmmm.... I find some posts on the net about a related bug in the apache http client library, but I doubt it is that. Does it worj with other Eclipse versions? (I'm guessing it's a typo and you don't run v2.3)

bjosv commented 1 year ago

Yes, the Eclipse version seems a bit unusal.

Just as a reference; I just now successfully installed Erlide on a fresh setup using openjdk 11.0.19 2023-04-18 eclipse.buildId= without complaints (on a Ubuntu 2022.04 with ca-certificates-java 20190909ubuntu1.2).

I tried to match the date in your Eclipse version, but I now see there is an extra v in yours as well.

fowlay commented 1 year ago

Thanks for fast response!

No, the 2.3 is not a typo - the string is from Help->About, and clicking the "Eclipse icon" (dark blue circle with three white stripes)

I am on an enterprise host where there are preinstalled versions of Eclipse. When I instead downloaded Eclipse for Java from to my home directory things improved, but I still could not install erlide from

(my Eclipse version is now: Version: 2.3.1400.v20230605-0440)

Finally I downloaded the erlide software using Eclipse on a Win10 machine and commands like

Channel=update Meta=org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository.mirrorApplication Arti=org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository.mirrorApplication Arch=$Channel eclipse -noSplash -application $Meta -source $Arch -destination erlide-$Channel eclipse -noSplash -application $Arti -source $Arch -destination erlide-$Channel

From the downloaded software I could then create a "Local..." software site and install from it.

Having come this far, I noticed that OTP 25 can't be used with erlide. There was no syntax coloring, following of function calls did not work, etc. Stepping down to OTP 24 solved this.

bjosv commented 1 year ago

Regarding the OTP25 problem, are you using erlide 0.61.1.v20230130?

fowlay commented 1 year ago

Yes: 0.61.1.v20230130-1531

bjosv commented 1 year ago

Interesting. What is your backend version vs. required version in the project?

See menu: Window -> Preferences
