erlangbureau / jamdb_oracle

Oracle Database driver for Erlang
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Issues with parameter handling #133

Closed hyphenPaul closed 1 year ago

hyphenPaul commented 1 year ago

I'm getting different results using variables with Ecto. It seems to be related to the way bound parameters are being used.

Example of a working query without variables for offset and limit values:

iex(36)> (from x in RPCoreModel.Store, select: x.store_code) |> offset(3) |>  limit(1) |> Repo.all()
[debug] QUERY OK source="store" db=49.8ms queue=0.1ms idle=1621.7ms
SELECT s0.store_code FROM store s0 OFFSET 3 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY []

The results are correct, returning the 1 value passed to the limit function.

If I try to use variables with the same code I get different results:

iex(37)> offset = 3
iex(38)> limit = 1
iex(39)> (from x in RPCoreModel.Store, select: x.store_code) |> offset(^offset) |>  limit(^limit) |> Repo.all()
[debug] QUERY OK source="store" db=46.6ms idle=1180.6ms
SELECT s0.store_code FROM store s0 OFFSET :2 ROWS FETCH NEXT :1 ROWS ONLY [1, 3]
["001", "CMP", "SEL"]

It seems like the bound parameters aren't working as expected. I don't have any Oracle experience, but I do use Ecto quite often. Please let me know if you'd like me to debug some more. Thanks!

hyphenPaul commented 1 year ago

I found the issue and it will most likely need an Ecto update. Because Oracle and other SQL languages differ in their implementation of offset and limit syntax, a change needs to be made in Ecto. In Postgres for example, the limit call comes before offset. In short, limit and offset need to be swapped like this:

I'll create an issue with Ecto, as they'll need to expose this module attribute to the adapter so it can be overridden.

vstavskyi commented 1 year ago

Maybe fragment could be used limit(fragment("OFFSET ? ROWS ?",3,1))

vstavskyi commented 1 year ago

One function for limit and offset doesn't work also. Offset value always is last in parameters list.

  defp limit(%{limit: nil, offset: nil}, _sources), do: []
  defp limit(%{limit: nil, offset: %QueryExpr{expr: expr}} = query, sources) do
    [" OFFSET ", expr(expr, sources, query), " ROWS"]
  defp limit(%{limit: %QueryExpr{expr: expr}, offset: nil} = query, sources) do
    [" FETCH NEXT ", expr(expr, sources, query), " ROWS ONLY"]
  defp limit(%{limit: %QueryExpr{expr: expr_last}, offset: %QueryExpr{expr: expr}} = query, sources) do
    [" OFFSET ", expr(expr_last, sources, query), " ROWS", " FETCH NEXT ", expr(expr, sources, query), " ROWS ONLY"]
hyphenPaul commented 1 year ago

That's exactly what I noticed. It comes down to the order of the parameter list, which happens in this private function using the @all_expr module attribute.

  @all_exprs [with_cte: :with_ctes, distinct: :distinct, select: :select, from: :from, join: :joins,
              where: :wheres, group_by: :group_bys, having: :havings, windows: :windows,
              combination: :combinations, order_by: :order_bys, limit: :limit, offset: :offset]
  defp traverse_exprs(query, operation, acc, fun) do
    exprs =
      case operation do
        :all -> @all_exprs
        :insert_all -> @all_exprs
        :update_all -> @update_all_exprs
        :delete_all -> @delete_all_exprs

    Enum.reduce exprs, {query, acc}, fn {kind, key}, {query, acc} ->
      {traversed, acc} = fun.(kind, query, Map.fetch!(query, key), acc)
      {%{query | key => traversed}, acc}

Maybe there's another place to handle this downstream in the adapter, but I couldn't find anything.

vstavskyi commented 1 year ago

Named parameters handling in raw sql statements now in stage

 params = %Ecto.Query.Tagged{value: %{offset: 1, limit: 2}, type: :map}

 Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(YourApp.Repo, "SELECT store_code FROM store OFFSET :offset ROWS FETCH NEXT :limit ROWS ONLY ", [params])
hyphenPaul commented 1 year ago

Thanks @vstavskyi, I'll take a look. Is the expectation that I should be able to reorder the parameters in one of the adapter hooks?

vstavskyi commented 1 year ago

You could use raw sql instead of ecto syntax from the beginning. Named parameters are just a bonus.

hyphenPaul commented 1 year ago

Sorry @vstavskyi, I've been busy this week and I haven't had a chance to take a look outside of testing limit and offset, which I'm still seeing the same issue. Are you suggesting using raw SQL instead of the Ecto syntax for limit and offset?

vstavskyi commented 1 year ago

Yes, raw sql. Or ecto syntax, but limit must be constant value, not variable.

greg-rychlewski commented 1 year ago

Are you sure there is not a problem with whatever is handling the SQL text generated by Ecto? This is the query causing issues:

SELECT s0.store_code FROM store s0 OFFSET :2 ROWS FETCH NEXT :1 ROWS ONLY [1, 3]

If you substitute the parameters it is OFFSET 3 ROWS FTCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY. If the result is having 3 rows it seems like it's not parsing the SQL text correctly? Maybe it is processing the parameters in the order the appear as opposed to their index?

vstavskyi commented 1 year ago

in ecto L1789

@all_exprs [with_cte: :with_ctes, distinct: :distinct, select: :select, from: :from, join: :joins, where: :wheres, group_by: :group_bys, having: :havings, windows: :windows, combination: :combinations, order_by: :order_bys, limit: :limit, offset: :offset]

limit and offset should be reversed for Oracle

@all_exprs [with_cte: :with_ctes, distinct: :distinct, select: :select, from: :from, join: :joins, where: :wheres, group_by: :group_bys, having: :havings, windows: :windows, combination: :combinations, order_by: :order_bys, offset: :offset, limit: :limit]

greg-rychlewski commented 1 year ago

But it doesn't have to be reversed in the planner because you know the order they should be right? You have :2, :1, etc...

That tells you the order in the parameter list.

vstavskyi commented 1 year ago

in adapter L32

[cte, select, hints, fields, window, from, join, where, group_by, having, combinations, order_by, offset, limit | lock]


[cte, select, hints, fields, window, from, join, where, group_by, having, combinations, order_by, limit,offset | lock]

imho adapter and planner should have the same order

greg-rychlewski commented 1 year ago

If different adapters have different orders (which is the case), then how would it be possible?

I'm not sure if I am making sense. I'll try one more time to ask then bow out :):

If you already have the index of the parameters :1, :2, etc... then you can reorder the parameter list, can't you?

vstavskyi commented 1 year ago

Please try stage branch commit