erlanglab / erlangpl

Tool for developers working with systems running on the Erlang VM (BEAM). It helps with performance analysis.
Apache License 2.0
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Crash after connection (possible duplicate) #60

Open zachdaniel opened 7 years ago

zachdaniel commented 7 years ago

Wanted to lodge a new issue since the other one referencing this (#43) was closed and appears to have been fixed.

I'm getting this same issue. I've updated credo to use runtime: false, I've also removed wobserver from my application (an issue I saw elsewhere) and also I've used the latest binary from the releases page.

** {{timeout,{gen_server,call,

=INFO REPORT==== 16-Jun-2017::17:23:38 ===
    application: epl_st
    exited: shutdown
    type: temporary

Elixir v 1.4.2 OTP 19

Any thoughts or assistance is greatly appreciated.

zachdaniel commented 7 years ago

I've just tried building master and using that and had the same issue.

arkgil commented 7 years ago

Hi @zachdaniel , thanks for posting the issue! šŸ™‚

Could you please share a list of applications which are started on the node you are observing with erlangpl?

If you're using Elixir, you can use:


and in case of Erlang:

erl> proplists:get_value(running, application:info()).

This issue usually comes up because of misbehaving OTP applications, but this could be the problem on our side.

And sorry for keeping you waiting šŸ˜‰

rickpayne commented 6 years ago

I'm seeing the same thing. My application list is:

[{cuttlefish,undefined}, {setup,<0.1363.0>}, {riak_core,<0.970.0>}, {exometer_core,<0.942.0>}, {cowboy,<0.937.0>}, {lager,<0.913.0>}, {cowlib,undefined}, {basho_stats,undefined}, {riak_sysmon,<0.901.0>}, {goldrush,<0.894.0>}, {recon,undefined}, {luerl,<0.880.0>}, {jiffy,undefined}, {ranch,<0.874.0>}, {crypto,undefined}, {compiler,undefined}, {syntax_tools,undefined}, {clique,<0.866.0>}, {poolboy,undefined}, {pbkdf2,undefined}, {eleveldb,undefined}, {sasl,<0.855.0>}, {runtime_tools,<0.850.0>}, {mnesia,<0.834.0>}, {stdlib,undefined}, {kernel,<0.797.0>}]

Edit: Yup, indeed - it is bad otp applications. I have a quick-and-dirty workaround for which I'll submit a pull request...