Erlang LS is a language server providing language features such as auto-complete or go-to-definition for the Erlang programming language. The server is compatible with Emacs, VSCode, Sublime Text 3, Vim and probably many more text editors and IDEs which adhere to the LSP protocol.
In the Erlang Community, several refactoring tools have been implemented through the years, to help developers refactoring their Erlang code bases. Two notorious refactoring tools are Wrangler and RefactorErl.
Unfortunately, these tools found only limited adoption outside of the academic world, mainly due to the difficulty of integrating them into a regular developer workflow. By integrating refactoring capabilities directly into the editor via Erlang LS, we aim at making refactoring Erlang code bases a smooth experience for developers.
Recommended Skills
Erlang knowledge
Plus: familiarity with concepts such as Abstract Syntax Trees,
Grammars, etc
Erlang LS is a language server providing language features such as auto-complete or go-to-definition for the Erlang programming language. The server is compatible with Emacs, VSCode, Sublime Text 3, Vim and probably many more text editors and IDEs which adhere to the LSP protocol.
In the Erlang Community, several refactoring tools have been implemented through the years, to help developers refactoring their Erlang code bases. Two notorious refactoring tools are Wrangler and RefactorErl.
Unfortunately, these tools found only limited adoption outside of the academic world, mainly due to the difficulty of integrating them into a regular developer workflow. By integrating refactoring capabilities directly into the editor via Erlang LS, we aim at making refactoring Erlang code bases a smooth experience for developers.
Recommended Skills
Pablo Costas Sánchez - @pablocostass (Klarna) Roberto Aloi - @robertoaloi (Klarna)
Project URL(s)