erlef / rebar3_hex

Rebar3 Hex library
Apache License 2.0
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auth followed by any action requiring auth fails #113

Closed alunduil closed 5 years ago

alunduil commented 5 years ago

I recently registered for (I went through the web flow), and when I use rebar3 hex user auth it seems to work fine (I can see keys in as well). When I attempt to do rebar3 hex user whoami I get the first set of failures below and when I try to do rebar3 hex publish I get the second set of failures below.

rebar3 hex user whoami

rebar3 hex publish

So, I try to auth again thinking it didn't hold and it succeeds and I now have duplicate keys on hex for my machine. Let me know what other information would be useful to discover why this isn't working as expected.

starbelly commented 5 years ago

What version of rebar_hex are you using? I see the latest version of rebar3 in use, so I'm hoping it's just that you need to ensure you're using at least rebar3_hex 6.5.0

alunduil commented 5 years ago

Sorry to disappoint:

starbelly commented 5 years ago

n/p, lemme see if I can replicate

starbelly commented 5 years ago

Alas I can not:

Username: ([])> starbelly
Account Password:
You have authenticated on Hex using your account password. However, Hex requires you to have a local password that applies only to this machine for security purposes. Please enter it.
Local Password:
Local Password (confirm):
Generating all keys...
 ~/d/e/jb_private123  rebar3 hex user whoami                                                                                                                   
starbelly (
 ~/d/e/jb_private123 rebar3 hex publish -r hexpm:jellybeam                                                                                                    
===> Verifying dependencies...
===> Using deprecated rebar_utils:vcs_vsn/3. Please upgrade your plugins.
Publishing jb_private123 0.1.0-rc322 to hexpm:jellybeam
  Description: An OTP library

  Included files:
  Licenses: Apache 2.0

  Build tools: rebar3
Before publishing, please read Hex CoC:
Proceed? ("Y")> y
Local Password:
===> Published jb_private123 0.1.0-rc322

So things that could be potential problems on your end...

alunduil commented 5 years ago

Hmm, I removed all local configuration and started from a clean build and ended with the same issue I saw before.

I'm running this erlang:

erl: Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.2.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] DEBUG=1 rebar3 hex user whoami:

In case it makes a difference I am overriding the REBAR_CACHE_DIR and I don't have a ~/.config/rebar3 directory (I'm keeping everything local to this project with envrc). I also install rebar3 into the project directly from a release; the one provided by NixOS is sandboxed too strictly right now.

I also grabbed a report in case that's helpful:

Thanks for helping me think through this one.

starbelly commented 5 years ago

Ahh ha! That is the issue. Now, let me try to find a work-around/fix. I have a few changes in master that would make this a more pleasant experience in terms of error messages, but they don't solve the problem. I'm pretty sure the config file problem will have to be addressed in rebar3, but let me find the fix before I start going off in that direction.

starbelly commented 5 years ago

@alunduil Ok, here is the work-around... rebar3 will assume that your hex.config is in $HOME/.config/rebar3... even if you are chrooted, etc. this should work, just tried on my machine.

So in a project I..

Note: $HOME doesn't have to be your project dir, that's just what I did. It could be anywhere in your chroot. So long as $HOME contains .config/rebar3.

Hopefully, that's doable for you, we may want to introduce a new variable for this in rebar3.. not sure.

alunduil commented 5 years ago

Interesting. I wonder why when I set REBAR_CACHE_DIR that it puts my hex.config in that directory rather than HOME if it's only going to read it from HOME. That's highly counterintuitive. I'll see about setting HOME to be my direnv but I'm not sure what else that's going to screw up. It almost sounds like having an overloaded REBAR_CACHE_DIR is the antipattern here. I'll try it without that first.

starbelly commented 5 years ago

I agree, it should not put it into the cache dir. I'll look into this, discuss with some folks and do some PRs ASAP. Do let me know if this works for you 👍

alunduil commented 5 years ago

That sounds good. For now I'll drop my local REBAR_CACHE_DIR and see if I can get this working. Thanks for helping me figure out what was going on.

alunduil commented 5 years ago

@starbelly dropping the REBAR_CACHE_DIR worked like a charm. Once I auth'ed again whoami and publish worked like a charm. I'll keep my eye on this issue so I know when I can add back my local project cache.

starbelly commented 5 years ago

@alunduil See Apparently there was a project config option we could have used in your config global_rebar_config_dir. This was not available as env var however and the PR I linked to adds that.

If you feel good on those two options can you close this issue?

alunduil commented 5 years ago

@starbelly that looks good to me, but I'm not clear on if I can set the global config dir separately from the cache dir. I'll try to grab the latest version and see if the setup I usually go for works as expected. Feel free to close this if you need to and haven't heard from me in a week though.

starbelly commented 5 years ago

It should. I think I may have to do another patch for REBAR_CACHE_DIR but the REBAR_GLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR env is respected.

alunduil commented 5 years ago

Excellent. I'll close this issue and if I notice anything further open another. Thanks for putting this fix together!