erlef / rebar3_hex

Rebar3 Hex library
Apache License 2.0
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`rebar3 hex user auth` leads to `cannot translate from UTF-8` #184

Closed blandinw closed 3 years ago

blandinw commented 3 years ago

The issue is random. Also, I'm new to rebar3, so I may be missing something. If you agree that this should be fixed, I can go ahead and provide a PR.


λ rebar3 hex user auth
# fill in username/password/local password
λ rebar3 hex search cowboy
===> Error found in repos auth config (/Users/j/.config/rebar3/hex.config) at line 6: cannot translate from UTF-8
λ rebar3 hex user auth
λ rebar3 hex search cowboy
# works fine

Here is a minimal repro, after looking at the hex user auth code. Run in shell, at the project root:

rebar3 do compile, eunit

cat > repro <<EOF 
#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
%%! -pa _build/default/lib/rebar3_hex/ebin -pa _build/test/lib/rebar/ebin -Wall

loop(N, Filename) ->
    Encrypted = rebar3_hex_user:encrypt_write_key(<<"myusername">>,
    Output = iolist_to_binary([io_lib:print(Encrypted) | ".\n"]),
    file:write_file(Filename, Output),
    case file:consult(Filename) of
        {ok, _} ->
            loop(N+1, Filename);
        {error, Err} ->
            {N, Err}

main(_) ->
    Filename = "tmp.txt",
    {N, Err} = loop(0, Filename),
    {ok, Contents} = file:read_file(Filename),
    io:format("n: ~B, filename: ~ts, error: ~ts\n~s", [N, Filename, file:format_error(Err), Contents]).

escript repro

Here is the output of rebar3 report

starbelly commented 3 years ago

hi @blandinw this is definitely an interesting one! If you have a fix I would suggest opening it up on as rebar3_hex isn't responsible for reading or writing the files. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed that doesn't require patching OTP 🤞 .

ferd commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure how that works. encrypt_write_key does not return a term that you could just pass to iolist_to_binary. THe term is possibly not safe to pass directly to a write that needs to be interpreted. An option might rather be to use io_lib:format("~w.~n", [Encrypted]).

starbelly commented 3 years ago

@ferd that seems to fix the issue 👍, the change will have to be done in rebar3 vs rebar3_hex as rebar3_hex just delegates to rebar_hex_repos:update_auth_config/2 to in rebar3.

ferd commented 3 years ago

Rebar3 is calling to rebar3_hex?!

starbelly commented 3 years ago

@ferd nah...


Link to where patch needs to be made for clarity :

blandinw commented 3 years ago

Using io_lib:format("~lp.~n", [Encrypted]) fixes the issue and preserves the pretty printing. In other words, in rebar_hex_repos:update_auth_config/2, we should use the above instead of io_lib:print. I can provide a PR tomorrow if nobody gets to it before then.

EDIT actually, it just turns all chars into numbers, so I'm not sure pretty printing matters too much 😊

starbelly commented 3 years ago

Using io_lib:format("~lp.~n", [Encrypted]) fixes the issue and preserves the pretty printing. In other words, in rebar_hex_repos:update_auth_config/2, we should use the above instead of io_lib:print. I can provide a PR tomorrow if nobody gets to it before then.

EDIT actually, it just turns all chars into numbers, so I'm not sure pretty printing matters too much 😊

Yeah, "~p.~n" should be the way to go, just tested that against local dev instance, looks good :

$ cat ~/.config/rebar3/hex.config 

#{<<"hexpm">> =>
      #{read_key => <<"d68707e7588fc0f4c18aacfbbcd2828f">>,
        repo_key => <<"88f5eb5b24de49ec165a14e14085cfef">>,
        username => <<"jose">>,
        write_key =>
$  rebar3 hex user whoami
hexpm : jose (
 rebar3 hex publish --replace
===> Verifying dependencies...
Publishing truecoat 0.42.0 to hexpm
  Description: It gets installed at the factory

  Included files:
  Licenses: Apache 2.0

  Build tools: rebar3
Be aware, you are publishing to the public Hexpm repository.
Before publishing, please read Hex CoC:
Proceed? ("Y")> y
Local Password:
===> Published truecoat 0.42.0
===> Published docs for truecoat 0.42.0