erlef / rebar3_hex

Rebar3 Hex library
Apache License 2.0
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`rebar3 bare compile` error #248

Closed gavinhughes closed 3 years ago

gavinhughes commented 3 years ago

Attempting to use rebar3 with Elixir (Mix) and receive the following error. Not sure if this is rebar3, sleeplocks or my config.

** (Mix) Could not compile dependency :sleeplocks, "/Users/gavinhughes/.mix/rebar3 bare compile --paths /Users/gavinhughes/dev/sites/blog/_build/dev/lib/*/ebin" command failed.

Here are the contents of* :

[I] ~/d/s/b/_/d/lib ❯❯❯ tree
├── blog
├── file_system
│   ├── ebin
│   │   ├── Elixir.FileSystem.Backend.beam
│   │   ├── Elixir.FileSystem.Backends.FSInotify.beam
│   │   ├── Elixir.FileSystem.Backends.FSMac.beam
│   │   ├── Elixir.FileSystem.Backends.FSPoll.beam
│   │   ├── Elixir.FileSystem.Backends.FSWindows.beam
│   │   ├── Elixir.FileSystem.Worker.beam
│   │   ├── Elixir.FileSystem.beam
│   │   └──
│   └── priv -> ../../../../deps/file_system/priv
├── jumper
│   └── ebin
│       ├── Elixir.Jumper.beam
│       └──
├── mimerl
│   ├── ebin -> ../../../../deps/mimerl/ebin
│   └── mix.rebar.config
├── neotoma
│   ├── ebin -> ../../../../deps/neotoma/ebin
│   └── priv -> ../../../../deps/neotoma/priv
├── parse_trans
│   ├── ebin -> ../../../../deps/parse_trans/ebin
│   ├── include -> ../../../../deps/parse_trans/include
│   └── mix.rebar.config
├── sleeplocks
│   └── mix.rebar.config
├── unsafe
│   └── ebin
│       ├── Elixir.Unsafe.Compiler.beam
│       ├── Elixir.Unsafe.Generator.beam
│       ├── Elixir.Unsafe.beam
│       └──
└── yamerl
    ├── ebin -> ../../../../deps/yamerl/ebin
    ├── include -> ../../../../deps/yamerl/include
    └── mix.rebar.config
starbelly commented 3 years ago

@gavinhughes Unfortunately this doesn't have much to do with rebar3_hex. rebar3_hex is merely for publishing packages, as such I'm about to send a PR up to sleeplocks to remove it from plugins and put in project_plugins so that it doesn't even get pulled in.

Out of interest I did pull sleeplocks into a mix project and it compiled fine. Maybe you are on an older version of elixir or perhaps you need to update rebar3 via mix mix local.rebar --force ?

gavinhughes commented 3 years ago

@starbelly --force did the job. Thank you!