erlef / security-wg

Repo for the Security Working Group
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Documentation: testing guide #21

Open voltone opened 2 years ago

voltone commented 2 years ago

Create a 'testing guide' aimed at security professionals with little or no experience with the BEAM platform. The document should provide both background information, with links to relevant resources, and concrete examples of verification tests that show necessary hardening is in place.

Please add any suggestions for topics that we might cover as comments in this ticket.

voltone commented 2 years ago

Erlang distribution protocol: overview, risks, EPMD, network interface binding, security mechanisms, TLS transport, ...

voltone commented 2 years ago

Interaction with the host OS executables/processes: ports, os:cmd, NIFs, erl_child_setup, erlsrv, heart, ...

voltone commented 2 years ago

Introspection: observer, crash dumps, remote console, to_erl

voltone commented 2 years ago

Code loading: interactive vs. embedded, load paths, executable config files in Elixir releases, code_server

varnerac commented 2 years ago

Where to find config files. What files need restricted read/write permissions.

vkatsuba commented 2 years ago

Erlang/OTP profiling: fprof, eprof, cprof, dbg, lcnt, perf.

vkatsuba commented 2 years ago

Load testing - Tsung.