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PID module #13

Closed jlamperez closed 8 years ago

jlamperez commented 8 years ago

PID module

This module is divided in two files of source. The interface .h file and the implementation in the .c file. In the next image we can see the implemented functions and variables: pid

Declared variables:

// The minimum and maximum servo position as defined by 10-bit ADC values.
#define MIN_POSITION            (0)
#define MAX_POSITION            (4095)
#define MAX_POSITION            (1023)

// The minimum and maximum output.
#define MAX_OUTPUT              (255)
#define MIN_OUTPUT              (-MAX_OUTPUT)

// Values preserved across multiple PID iterations.
static int16_t previous_seek=-1; // NOTE: previous_seek==-1 used to indicate initialisation required
static int16_t previous_position=0;
static int16_t i_component=0;
static int16_t seek_delta=-1;
static int16_t position_at_start_of_new_seek=-1;
static uint8_t previous_pwm_is_enabled=0;


previous_seek = -1;
    // Default deadband.
    registers_write_byte(REG_PID_DEADBAND, DEFAULT_PID_DEADBAND);

    // Default gain values.

    // Default position limits.
    registers_write_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO, DEFAULT_MIN_SEEK);
    registers_write_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO, DEFAULT_MAX_SEEK);

    // Default reverse seek setting.
    registers_write_byte(REG_REVERSE_SEEK, 0x00);

Is a modified pid algorithm by which the seek position and seek velocity are assumed to be a moving target. The algorithm attempts to output a pwm value that will achieve a predicted position and velocity.

    static int16_t deadband;
    static int16_t p_component;
    static int16_t d_component;
    static int16_t seek_position;
    static int16_t seek_velocity;
    static int16_t minimum_position;
    static int16_t maximum_position;
    static int16_t current_velocity;
    static int16_t filtered_position;
    static int32_t pwm_output;
    static uint16_t p_gain;
    static uint16_t i_gain;
    static uint16_t d_gain;
    static uint8_t pwm_is_enabled;
    filtered_position = filter_update(current_position);
    current_velocity = normalize_position_difference(filtered_position - previous_position);
    current_velocity = filtered_position - previous_position;
    seek_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_POSITION_HI, REG_SEEK_POSITION_LO);
    seek_velocity = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_HI, REG_SEEK_VELOCITY_LO);
    minimum_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_MIN_SEEK_HI, REG_MIN_SEEK_LO);
    maximum_position = (int16_t) registers_read_word(REG_MAX_SEEK_HI, REG_MAX_SEEK_LO);
   deadband = (int16_t) registers_read_byte(REG_PID_DEADBAND);
    if (seek_position < minimum_position) seek_position = minimum_position;
    if (seek_position > maximum_position) seek_position = maximum_position;
    if (seek_position < MIN_POSITION) seek_position = MIN_POSITION;
    if (seek_position > MAX_POSITION) seek_position = MAX_POSITION;
    if(previous_seek != seek_position ||             // New seek position has been set...
       previous_pwm_is_enabled != pwm_is_enabled)    // PWM enable state has changed...
       if(previous_seek == -1)                       // Initialisation
          previous_position = current_position;
          i_component = 0;
       previous_seek = seek_position;
       seek_delta = current_position;
       position_at_start_of_new_seek = current_position;
       previous_pwm_is_enabled = pwm_is_enabled;
    if(tick && seek_delta!=seek_position && seek_velocity>0) // Tick is our time constant
          seek_delta+=seek_velocity;    //increment the seek_delta (s = s0 +vt)
          if(seek_delta>=seek_position) // if seek_delta is higher we have reached to the seek_position
       } else
             seek_delta-=seek_velocity;   //decrement the seek_delta (s = s0 -vt)
             if(seek_delta<=seek_position)// if seek_delta is less we have reached to the seek_position
       current_position = filtered_position;

1) First p component:

    p_component = normalize_position_difference(seek_delta - current_position);
    // The proportional component to the PID is the position error.
    p_component = seek_delta - current_position;

2) Then the i component

    // The integral component
    if(tick) // Tick is our time constant
       i_component += p_component;
       if(i_component<-128) // Somewhat arbitrary anti integral wind-up; we're experimenting
       } else

3) The d component of the PID, is the change in position

    d_component = previous_position - current_position;
    previous_position = current_position;

4)Get the proportional, derivative and integral gains from the registers.

    p_gain = registers_read_word(REG_PID_PGAIN_HI, REG_PID_PGAIN_LO);
    i_gain = registers_read_word(REG_PID_IGAIN_HI, REG_PID_IGAIN_LO);
    d_gain = registers_read_word(REG_PID_DGAIN_HI, REG_PID_DGAIN_LO);

5)Initialize the pwm output to zero and start adding p,i and d components multiplied by the gain pwm_output = 0;

// Apply proportional component to the PWM output if outside the deadband.
if ((p_component > deadband) || (p_component < -deadband))
    // Apply the proportional component of the PWM output.
    pwm_output += (int32_t) p_component * (int32_t) p_gain;

// Apply the integral component of the PWM output.
    pwm_output += (int32_t) i_component * (int32_t) i_gain;

// Apply the derivative component of the PWM output.
    pwm_output += (int32_t) d_component * (int32_t) d_gain;
} else
   i_component = 0;

6) Shift by 8 to account for the multiply by the 8:8 fixed point gain value. pot measurements are typically approaching 180 degrees across the 0 to 1023 ADC range. OpenEncoder is 360 degrees across the 0 to 4096 range.

    pwm_output >>= 9;
    pwm_output >>= 8;

7)Check for saturation

    if (pwm_output > MAX_OUTPUT)
        // Can't go higher than the maximum output value.
        pwm_output = MAX_OUTPUT;
    else if (pwm_output < MIN_OUTPUT)
        // Can't go lower than the minimum output value.
        pwm_output = MIN_OUTPUT;

8)return the pwm_output

    return (int16_t) pwm_output;

Functions if full rotation is enabled:

static int16_t normalize_position_difference(int16_t posdiff)
    if (posdiff > ((MAX_POSITION - MIN_POSITION) / 2))
        posdiff -= (MAX_POSITION - MIN_POSITION);

    if (posdiff < -((MAX_POSITION - MIN_POSITION) / 2))
        posdiff += (MAX_POSITION - MIN_POSITION);

    return posdiff;
// Digital Lowpass Filter Implementation
// See: A Simple Software Lowpass Filter Suits Embedded-system Applications
// k    Bandwidth (Normalized to 1Hz)   Rise Time (samples)
// 1    0.1197                          3
// 2    0.0466                          8
// 3    0.0217                          16
// 4    0.0104                          34
// 5    0.0051                          69
// 6    0.0026                          140
// 7    0.0012                          280
// 8    0.0007                          561

#define FILTER_SHIFT 1

static int32_t filter_reg = 0;

static int16_t filter_update(int16_t input)
#if 0
    // Update the filter with the current input.
    filter_reg += normalize_position_difference(input - (filter_reg >> FILTER_SHIFT));
    filter_reg = filter_reg - (filter_reg >> FILTER_SHIFT) + input;

    // Scale output for unity gain.
    return (int16_t) (filter_reg >> FILTER_SHIFT);
    return input;