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WATCHDOG module #17

Closed jlamperez closed 8 years ago

jlamperez commented 8 years ago


A watchdog timer (sometimes called a computer operating properly or COP timer, or simply a watchdog) is an electronic timer that is used to detect and recover from computer malfunctions. During normal operation, the computer regularly restarts the watchdog timer to prevent it from elapsing, or "timing out". If, due to a hardware fault or program error, the computer fails to restart the watchdog, the timer will elapse and generate a timeout signal. The timeout signal is used to initiate corrective action or actions. The corrective actions typically include placing the computer system in a safe state and restoring normal system operation.


Minimal module to support watchdog timer. This module may be expanded in the future to support more robust use of the watchdog timer to monitor error conditions in the servo.

watchdog_init: Initialize the watchdog module

    MCUSR &= ~(1<<WDRF);    //MCU status register and Watchdog reset flag
     WDTCSR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE);        //To disable or change timeout: 
                                            //Simultaneously, write a logic 1 to WDCE and WDE
    WDTCSR = 0x00;

watchdog_hard_reset: reset the device using the watchdog timer

- Enable the watchdog.
    WDTCSR = (1<<WDIF) |                                     // Reset any interrupt.
             (0<<WDIE) |                                     // Disable interrupt.
             (1<<WDE) |                                      // Watchdog enable.
             (0<<WDP3) | (0<<WDP2) | (0<<WDP1) | (0<<WDP0);  // Minimum prescaling - 16mS.
    for (;;);

Overview of MCUSR and Watchdog Timer in AVR

The reset service routine finds out the cause of reset by examining the MCU status register (MCUSR). The contents of MCUSR are shown in figure: mcusr

WRDF: Watchdog reset flag

AVR Mega Watchdog TImer(WDT)

The operation of WDT is controlled by the Watchdog timer control register [WDTCSR]. When Watchdog-always-on fuse is programmed, the system reset mode bit [WDE] and interrupt mode bit [WDIE] is locked to 1 and 0 respectvely, which forces the WDT to operate in system reset mode.

Contents of WDTCSR register:

Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

WDIF: Watchdog interrupt flag

WDIE: Watchdog interrupt enable

WDCE: Watchdog change enable This bit is used in timed sequences for changing WDE and prescaler bits. TO clear WDE bit and/or change the prescaler bits, WDCE must be set.

WDE: Watchdog system reset enable WDE is overriden by WRDF in MCUSR. To clear WDE, WDRF must be cleared first.

WDP3-0 : Watchdog timer prescaler.

WDCE WDE WDIE Mode Action on time-out
1 0 0 Stopped None
1 0 1 Interrupt mode Interrupt
1 1 0 System reset mode Reset
1 1 1 Interrupt and system reset mode Interrupt, then go to system reset mode
0 X X System reset mode Reset