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Serial Communication Types #6

Closed jlamperez closed 8 years ago

jlamperez commented 8 years ago

Serial Communication Types

UART, USART, SPI, TWI/I2C, USB -> protocols widely used in embedded systems for serial data communication.

Protocol Developed by Data tx mode Clock signal Operation type Wires Bit rates Bus limits Advantages Disadvantages Use cases
UART Asynchronous Not transmitted Full-duplex Minimum 2 pins (rx & tx) frame size: Start + 5 bits + stop simplest forms of data transmission from a controller/PC Because of its speed limitation, UART is not used for high speed devices. For a correct communication, both sides must know (Baudrate, Stop bits, Parity and Databits) RS232-1: Modems, PC-board connections. * Communications with peripherals.
USART Synchronous Transmitted Full-duplex or half-duplex
SPI Motorola Synchronous Transmitted Full duplex 3(MOSI, MISO, SCLK) + X slaves + gnd Higher bit rates than I2C High bit rate serial communciation, simple protocol. Data size not restricted to 8 bit data. Many wires, no flux control, no ACK mechanism-> error detection in higher levels. It can be established only for short distance communication unlike USART Implementación de control de motores
TWI/I2C NXP-Philips Asynchronous Not transmitted Full-duplex & Hall-duplex(possible) 2 (SDA, SCL) + gnd Standar: up to 100 kbps, Fast: up to 400 kbps, High-speed: up to 3.4 Mbps Capacity smaller than 400pF, Up to 2-3 meters, Up to 20-30 devices. Low to medium data rate communication, Master-Slave and Multi-master. Collision detection, Arbitration More complicated than SPI To attach slow speed peripherals to the embedded microprocessor (E2PROM, real time clock systems, remote temperature sensors)
USB Intel Not transmitted 4 pinout: +5VDC, DATA -, DATA +, Ground Speed of data very high. Due to the ability to supply power to the preipheral devices USB is often used as a power charger for portable devices Many microcontrollers don`t support USB communication, AVR has controllers with support File transfer, storage
vmayoral commented 8 years ago

This looks good but I'd extend it to take into account other, non-necessarily protocols. Ethernet and CAN could also be good candidates.