ermalkaleci / CarbonKit

CarbonKit - iOS Components (Obj-C & Swift)
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Hide navigation bar on scroll, keep CarbokKit tabs only #32

Open czaku opened 9 years ago

czaku commented 9 years ago

Hi guys,

Is it possible to develop this future? I will try to have a look and maybe do some bits and pieces myself.


GorkaMM commented 8 years ago

Hi @czaku,

I'm looking for the same behavior so I thought about using a library it worked for me before, TLYShyNavBar, assigning the toolbar of CarbonKit to this ShyNavBar's extension view. I didn't try it yet but I'm definitely gonna do it.

Hope it works!

ty-sang commented 8 years ago


TrungVu37 commented 8 years ago

How to use TLYShyNavBar with Carbornkit, very difficult :(

TrungVu37 commented 8 years ago

hi @GorkaMM can you help me, how to scroll show/hide navbar in carbonkit

GorkaMM commented 8 years ago

@TrungVu37 I tried with TLYShyNavBar but it was not working well. I didn't have time to look deeper into it so I can't tell you honestly, but if you find the way to do it please share it here.

Thank you and sorry!

RB-King commented 8 years ago

@GorkaMM you get any solution for TLYShyNavBar for hide/show navigaion bar... ?

GorkaMM commented 8 years ago

Hi @JaydeepPatel,

Sorry, the app I was working on didn't need that behavior anymore so I didn't have the chance to find a solution…

RB-King commented 8 years ago

@GorkaMM ohky.. thank x for reply...

RB-King commented 8 years ago

@TrungVu37 hello sir, you use TLYShyNavBar with carbonkit ? can you help me in hide/show navigationbar with carbonkit ?

this is my code:-

self.shyNavBarManager.scrollView = objMainHomeVC.objCollectionView; [self.shyNavBarManager setExtensionView:carbonTabSwipeNavigation.carbonSegmentedControl]; [self.shyNavBarManager setStickyExtensionView:YES];

Thank x in Advance.

RB-King commented 8 years ago

@czaku solved your issue sir ? because i have same issue. see my above comment? if you done than please help me and guide me. Thank x in advance.

HiteshRasal commented 6 years ago

can you help me in hide/show navigationbar with carbonkit ?

this is my code:-

self.shyNavBarManager.scrollView = objMainHomeVC.objCollectionView; [self.shyNavBarManager setExtensionView:carbonTabSwipeNavigation.carbonSegmentedControl]; [self.shyNavBarManager setStickyExtensionView:YES];

Please help me.

thanx in advance