ermig1979 / Synet

A small framework to infer neural network
MIT License
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No objects detected with yolov5 model #29

Open trlsmax opened 2 years ago

trlsmax commented 2 years ago

I trained a custom model with yolov5 and export to onnx format, then convert to synet format. The following code detected nothing, but the onnx model works fine with of yolov5.

   Net net;
    net.Load("test.xml", "test.bin");

    net.Reshape(1920, 1920, 1);

    Shape shape = net.NchwShape();

    View original;

    View resized(shape[3], shape[2], original.format);
    Simd::Resize(original, resized, ::SimdResizeMethodArea);

    net.SetInput(resized, 0.0f, 255.0f);


    Regions objects = net.GetRegions(original.width, original.height, 0.5f, 0.5f);
    uint32_t white = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i)
        const Region & object = objects[i];
        ptrdiff_t l = ptrdiff_t(object.x - object.w / 2);
        ptrdiff_t t = ptrdiff_t(object.y - object.h / 2);
        ptrdiff_t r = ptrdiff_t(object.x + object.w / 2);
        ptrdiff_t b = ptrdiff_t(object.y + object.h / 2);
        Simd::DrawRectangle(original, l, t, r, b, white);

    return 0;
ermig1979 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Could you give me this model to check correctness of it's conversion?

trlsmax commented 2 years ago

Just send you the model by email.

ermig1979 commented 2 years ago

I added YoloV5Decoder to parse YoloV5 output:

#include "Synet/Decoders/YoloV5.h"

Synet::YoloV5Decoder decoder;

Regions objects = decoder.GetRegions(net, original.width, original.height, 0.5f, 0.5f)[0];
trlsmax commented 2 years ago

Thank you. But I still can't get any detection.

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Net net;
    net.Load("test.xml", "test.bin");

    net.Reshape(1920, 1920, 1);

    Shape shape = net.NchwShape();

    View original;

    View resized(shape[3], shape[2], original.format);
    Simd::Resize(original, resized, ::SimdResizeMethodArea);

    net.SetInput(resized, 0.0f, 255.0f);


    Synet::YoloV5Decoder decoder;

    Regions objects = decoder.GetRegions(net, original.width, original.height, 0.5f, 0.5f)[0];
    // objects.size() == 0 here

    uint32_t white = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < objects.size(); ++i)
        const Region& object = objects[i];
        ptrdiff_t l = ptrdiff_t(object.x - object.w / 2);
        ptrdiff_t t = ptrdiff_t(object.y - object.h / 2);
        ptrdiff_t r = ptrdiff_t(object.x + object.w / 2);
        ptrdiff_t b = ptrdiff_t(object.y + object.h / 2);
        Simd::DrawRectangle(original, l, t, r, b, white);

    return 0;