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Client code modularising #612

Open AlMcKinlay opened 8 years ago

AlMcKinlay commented 8 years ago

Just realised there isn't an issue open for this. I would really like to start modularising the code, because it will make thingsm uch easier.

What I suggest:

  1. We use ES6 modules with rollup (advantage of rollup is that it removes unnecessary code from the modules, reducing our overall size)
  2. We modularise based on feature, so 1 for the settings, 1 for getting messages from the server, etc
  3. Once we've done that, we can also move the rest of the code from the libs directory that isn't actually libraries (mainly the handlebars handlers, they are not libraries, so shouldn't be in the libs directory)

Would love feedback on these ideas, as I'd really like to get owrking on it soon. It will make future development easier, including #554