erming / shout

Deprecated. See fork @
MIT License
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Please Provide An Automatic Docker Build #687

Closed daamien closed 7 years ago

daamien commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this great software and for the Dockerfile !

I read the docker deployment process here :

I think you could simplify the process by providing an automatic build from

Here's an example:

Once you configure the automatic build at , we can skip the first 3 steps of the guide and simply launch

docker run --name=shout --publish=9000:9000 --detach --tty shout-img -t erming/shout

The image will be fetch the image directly from

You can also have a docker image for each branch, for instance erming/shout:latest for master and erming/shout:dev for the dev branch

MaxLeiter commented 7 years ago

Hey! shouts currently inactive, so I recommend checking out the official fork The Lounge - you can see the docker container here:

daamien commented 7 years ago

ok thanks