ermouth / couch-photon

An alternative CouchDB admin panel
MIT License
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Feature request: Keep logged #38

Closed ondra-novak closed 2 years ago

ondra-novak commented 2 years ago

In short: I wish to have an option that pings the server at a defined interval to update the session so that I can be logged in as long as Photon is opened in the browser. The need to enter the password repeatedly is very annoying

rdewolff commented 2 years ago

Have you tried to change the timeout duration on your couchdb server?

rdewolff commented 2 years ago


ermouth commented 2 years ago

I’ll see what I can do.

Right now you can open Stats, it keeps pinging server even while Photon browser tab is inactive. However, constant pinging is not a guarantee: browsers tend to lower priority for inactive tabs, so ping intervals may increase from 5 sec to several minutes because of browser resource dispatcher specifics.

Btw, several users observed issues with latest Chrome and 3.2, so if you also have problems with keeping Chrome logged in, try setting chttpd_auth/same_site to lax.