ernw / ss7MAPer

SS7 MAP (pen-)testing toolkit. DISCONTINUED REPO, please use:
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
450 stars 180 forks source link

Illegal instruction #34

Open Chris-Ariel opened 5 years ago

Chris-Ariel commented 5 years ago
root@kali:~# git clone
root@kali:~# tar -jxvf ss7MAPer-v0.2_linux_x64.tar.bz2

root@kali:~# git clone git://

root@kali:~# cd rebar
root@kali:~/rebar# ./bootstrap
No beam files found.
Recompile: src/rebar
Recompile: src/rebar_abnfc_compiler
Recompile: src/rebar_app_utils
Recompile: src/rebar_utils
Recompile: src/rebar_xref
Recompile: src/rmemo
==> rebar (compile)
==> rebar (escriptize)
Congratulations! You now have a self-contained script called "rebar" in
your current working directory. Place this script anywhere in your path
and you can use rebar to build OTP-compliant apps.

root@kali:~/rebar# cd ../ss7MAPer

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer# mv ../rebar/rebar ./

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer# vi rebar.config

{erl_opts, [debug_info]}.
{deps, [
        {osmo_ss7, "1", {git, "git://", "master"}},
        {osmo_sccp, "1", {git, "git://", "master"}},
        {osmo_map, "1", {git, "git://", "master"}}
{eunit_opts, [verbose, {report,{eunit_surefire,[{dir,"."}]}}]}.
{sub_dirs, ["rel"]}.

root@kali:~/rebar# cd /usr/local/bin
root@kali:/usr/local/bin# ln -s ~/rebar/rebar /usr/local/bin/rebar

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer# ./rebar get-deps
==> ss7MAPer (get-deps)
==> rel (get-deps)
==> osmo_ss7 (get-deps)
==> epcap (get-deps)
==> pkt (get-deps)
==> osmo_sccp (get-deps)
==> osmo_map (get-deps)

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer#cd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_map/

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_map# patch -p1 < ../../patches/osmo_map.patch
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file asn1/MAP-Contracts.asn
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file ebin/
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file rebar.config
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/map_dlg_server.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/map_helper.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/map_ss_server.erl

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_map# cd ../osmo_sccp/

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp# patch -p1 < ../../patches/osmo_sccp.patch
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file ebin/
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file rebar.config
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/osmo_sccp_tcap.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/sccp_scrc.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/sccp_user.erl

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp# cd ../osmo_ss7/

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_ss7# patch -p1 < ../../patches/osmo_ss7.patch
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file include/osmo_ss7.hrl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file include/sccp.hrl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/m3ua_codec.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/m3ua_core.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/sccp_codec.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/sctp_core.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/ss7_link_m3ua.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/ss7_links.erl
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch; use --binary to disable.)
patching file src/ss7_routes.erl

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_ss7# cd ../epcap/
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/epcap# vi rebar.config

{port_envs, [   
      {"DRV_CFLAGS", "-g -Wall $ERL_CFLAGS"},   
      {"DRV_LDFLAGS", "-lpcap $ERL_LDFLAGS"}   


 {port_envs, [   
    {"CFLAGS", "-g -Wall $ERL_CFLAGS"},   
    {"LDFLAGS", "-lpcap $ERL_LDFLAGS"}   

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/epcap# cd ..
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps# git clone
Cloning into 'signerl'...

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps# cd signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU/

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# make
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info Remote-Operations-Information-Objects.asn Remote-Operations-Generic-ROS-PDUs.asn Remote-Operations-Useful-Definitions.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
Wrong format of type/value false/{'Externalvaluereference',144,
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info TCAPMessages.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info TR.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc -b beam -W -v +warn_unused_vars +debug_info -o ../../ebin/itu TR.erl
TR.erl:57: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TR.erl:71: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TR.erl:662: Warning: variable 'Arg' is unused
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info TC.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc -b beam -W -v +warn_unused_vars +debug_info -o ../../ebin/itu TC.erl
TC.erl:71: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TC.erl:85: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TC.erl:886: Warning: variable 'Arg' is unused
erlc -b beam -W -v +warn_unused_vars +debug_info -o ../../ebin/itu TCAPMessages.erl
TCAPMessages.erl:57: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TCAPMessages.erl:71: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TCAPMessages.erl:490: Warning: variable 'Arg' is unused
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info DialoguePDUs.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc -b beam -W -v +warn_unused_vars +debug_info -o ../../ebin/itu DialoguePDUs.erl
DialoguePDUs.erl:71: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
DialoguePDUs.erl:85: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
DialoguePDUs.erl:997: Warning: variable 'Arg' is unused
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info UnidialoguePDUs.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc -b beam -W -v +warn_unused_vars +debug_info -o ../../ebin/itu UnidialoguePDUs.erl
UnidialoguePDUs.erl:53: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
UnidialoguePDUs.erl:67: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
UnidialoguePDUs.erl:394: Warning: variable 'Arg' is unused
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info TC-TMP.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info TC-Testing-User.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc -b beam -W -v +warn_unused_vars +debug_info -o ../../ebin/itu TC-Testing-User.erl
TC-Testing-User.erl:276: Warning: variable 'Arg' is unused
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info TCAP-Examples.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc -b beam -W -v +warn_unused_vars +debug_info -o ../../ebin/itu TCAP-Examples.erl
TCAP-Examples.erl:77: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TCAP-Examples.erl:91: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TCAP-Examples.erl:523: Warning: variable 'Arg' is unused
erlc  -W -b ber_bin +optimize +debug_info TCAP-Tools.asn
Warning: The option 'ber_bin' is now called 'ber'.
Warning: The option 'optimize' is no longer needed.
erlc -b beam -W -v +warn_unused_vars +debug_info -o ../../ebin/itu TCAP-Tools.erl
TCAP-Tools.erl:56: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TCAP-Tools.erl:70: Warning: variable 'Reason' is unused
TCAP-Tools.erl:262: Warning: variable 'Arg' is unused
rm TC.erl

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# cp -rl ~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU/* ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp/src/

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# mkdir ~/ss7MAPer/deps/epcap/deps
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/pkt ~/ss7MAPer/deps/epcap/deps/pkt

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# mkdir ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp/deps
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_ss7 ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp/deps/osmo_ss7
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/epcap ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp/deps/epcap
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/pkt ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp/deps/pkt
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/MAP ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp/deps/MAP
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/SCCP ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp/deps/SCCP
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp/deps/TCAP

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# mkdir ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_map/deps
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_ss7 ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_map/deps/osmo_ss7
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/epcap ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_map/deps/epcap
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# ln -sd ~/ss7MAPer/deps/pkt ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_map/deps/pkt

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# cp ~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/SCCP/itu/include/sccp.hrl ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_sccp/src/
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# cp ~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/include/tcap.hrl ~/ss7MAPer/deps/osmo_map/src/

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer/deps/signerl/TCAP/asn_src/ITU# cd /usr/local/bin/
root@kali:/usr/local/bin# ln -s ~/rebar/rebar /usr/local/bin/rebar

root@kali:/usr/local/bin# cd ~/ss7MAPer/
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer# ./rebar co

==> root (compile)

root@kali:~# cd ss7MAPer/
root@kali:~/ss7MAPer# ./rebar shell
==> ss7MAPer (shell)
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.3] [source] [64-bit] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]    
Eshell V7.3  (abort with ^G)
1> application:start(sasl).

    =PROGRESS REPORT==== 29-Jan-2019::05:32:48 ===
         supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
         started: [{pid,<0.60.0>},

    =PROGRESS REPORT==== 29-Jan-2019::05:32:48 ===
        supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
        started: [{pid,<0.61.0>},
    =PROGRESS REPORT==== 29-Jan-2019::05:32:48 ===
        supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
        started: [{pid,<0.59.0>},

    =PROGRESS REPORT==== 29-Jan-2019::05:32:48 ===
        supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
        started: [{pid,<0.62.0>},

    =PROGRESS REPORT==== 29-Jan-2019::05:32:48 ===
        application: sasl
        started_at: nonode@nohost

            2> application:start(ss7MAPer).

            =PROGRESS REPORT==== 29-Jan-2019::05:34:20 ===
                     application: ss7MAPer
                      started_at: nonode@nohost

root@kali:~/ss7MAPer# ./bin/ss7MAPer console Exec: /root/ss7MAPer/erts-7.3/bin/erlexec -boot /root/ss7MAPer/releases/1/ss7MAPer -mode embedded -config /root/ss7MAPer/releases/1/sys.config -args_file /root/ss7MAPer/releases/1/vm.args -- console Root: /root/ss7MAPer Illegal instruction

Erlang == 18.3 kali

how to solve the problem

0xc0decafe commented 5 years ago


can you give me the output of:



moaeddy commented 5 years ago

after following @Chris-Ariel make i end up getting this

./rebar shell ==> ss7MAPer (shell) ERROR: shell failed while processing /root/ss7MAPer: {'EXIT',{{badmatch,{error,bad_directory}}, [{rebar_shell,shell,2,[{file,"src/rebar_shell.erl"},{line,43}]}, {rebar_core,run_modules,4,[{file,"src/rebar_core.erl"},{line,493}]}, {rebar_core,execute,6,[{file,"src/rebar_core.erl"},{line,418}]}, {rebar_core,maybe_execute,8, [{file,"src/rebar_core.erl"},{line,302}]}, {rebar_core,process_dir1,7,[{file,"src/rebar_core.erl"},{line,261}]}, {rebar_core,process_commands,2, [{file,"src/rebar_core.erl"},{line,93}]}, {rebar,main,1,[{file,"src/rebar.erl"},{line,58}]}, {escript,run,2,[{file,"escript.erl"},{line,757}]}]}}

when i run ./bin/ss7MAPer console

i got this bash: ./bin/ss7MAPer: No such file or directory

how can this be fixed, and thanks chris your make really help me get somewhere

0xc0decafe commented 5 years ago


please do not hijack issues, but open a new one instead.



Chris-Ariel commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your reply!

root@root:~# uname -a Linux root 4.14.0-kali3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.14.12-2kali1 (2018-01-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux

root@root:~# erl -version Erlang (ASYNC_THREADS,HIPE) (BEAM) emulator version 7.3

0xc0decafe commented 5 years ago


this seems to be a known bug when running erlang binaries on older cpus (without sse2). You can fix this by building your erlang from source and configure it with --enable-ethread-pre-pentium4-compatibility (see



allstable commented 5 years ago

Bro, I find even in Docker ,It has the same issue: 图片 Should I rebuild the Erlang Env? …… I have rebuild the Erlang with option --enable-ethread-pre-pentium4-compatibility,but it does not work. In my host,it appears the same issue: 图片

Looking forward for your response,Thank you.

allstable commented 5 years ago

I have tried to rebuild Erlang with options "./configure --prefix=/opt/erlang --without-javac --enable-smp-support --enable-threads --enable-m64-build", it does not work neither.Pop put the same issue when I start the ss7Maper program. Anything help? Thanks! 图片 Or I wanna to know what is the apropriate machine to run this program,the preliminary condition of a machine.