erodola / DLAI-s2-2021

Teaching material for the course of Deep Learning and Applied AI, 2nd semester 2021, Sapienza University of Rome
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sgd - optimal learning rate with line search #9

Open erodola opened 3 years ago

erodola commented 3 years ago

Let me clarify the confusion on the orthogonal directions obtained with the optimal alpha in slide 66/127 of the lecture "Stochastic gradient descent".

Please read this while looking at the slide.

ShakirKhurshid commented 3 years ago

y is minimum wrt what? isn't the point in the centre of the function (blue area) the minimum of the function and what is the direction of grad(f(y)) ?? can you please explain point 4, if you could draw out the directions? It would be really helpful.

erodola commented 3 years ago

I made the attached image to try clarifying the points you raised. Can you check if this works for you now? Please let me know if you have additional questions.


This image covers the first 4 points of the explanation above. Therefore you should be able to follow from point 5 on.